Friday, April 12, 2013

Sex & Sin

No conclusion on the sins of sex is satisfactory even though it is that certain kinds of sex originate from sin.  Sin is defined here as an act of Free Will that violates the God's law or the laws of Nature, whether that free will is exercised consciously by the perpetrator or subconsciously, or perhaps unconsciously, by the victim, or consensually by the participants involved.

To begin, let me go back to my theory on incarnation that postulates the existence of spirits and claims that they are waiting desperately to experience flesh in the human form.  That can only happen when an infant is born, a product of procreational sex. [1]

When the infant reaches a certain age, he/she becomes sexually curious and it is during this period of vulnerability that Satan wields its significant power, heightening the carnal urge to the point where it overpowers and starves the spirit.  This period can last long into adulthood.  Satan's power over ungodly sexual desires is so overwhelming that even some who have taken the vow of celibacy to serve Christ may have succumbed to the temptations of the flesh that Satan dangles before them.

Not all sexual desires are against the laws of nature, however.  One school of thought advocates only procreational sex to the exclusion of recreational sex of any kind. [2]  This doctrine would allow the maximum number of spirits to incarnate.  Whether God truly intended for the descendants of Adam and Eve to populate the world to the point of unsustainable population growth is questionable.  It therefore seems reasonable to conclude that procreational sex, restrained by voluntary and responsible abstinence, is consistent with God's law since it allows for a rate of incarnation that resolves the issue of sustainability while maintaining a size of population that is sufficiently large and diverse to enrich the meaning of life.

Aside from those limited occasions where a righteous and monogamous married couple engaging in procreational sex out of wholesome and simultaneous love for each other [3] and for the good of society would be classified as sinless sex, sex could be considered as sinful the rest of the time. That would include all kinds of non-procreational sex, i.e., recreational sex, such as heterosexual sex with contraceptives and homosexual sex.

Can that be right, to have so many people sinning at all times around the world just because they are having some naked fun?  Are people sinners because they like having sex?  How can an act of consensual sex be a sin when no harm is done to others?  I do not believe there are clear cut answers and I certainly cannot judge one way or another unless a sexual conduct is so repugnant that it offends God and extinguishes the light of the spirit that inhabits the flesh, which is what pleases Satan.

Satan wants people to go to the far end of sinful sexual practices, to drown in their insatiable desire to fornicate with as many others as possible in a single night, over a weekend or on a cruise time and again because such kind of seemingly "harmless" fun can become an addiction as well as a challenge to be met, in order to claim fame (or infamy) in a community and bragging rights among friends and fellow competitors.  The result of this kind of sinful sex is not limited to the risk of being infected with a transmittable disease, but also the risk of infecting others and the certainty of starving the spirit, by leaving it with no time at all to find inner peace and  fulfillment which come only from God.  Since God is absent in sin, the spirit whose flesh is being so satanically abused is tormented and is always screaming in hunger for true and lasting fulfillment.  The flesh that continues to freely will to be under Satan's domination will be fed tantalizing banquets of sexual decadence, a virtual fulfillment that only leaves the being (flesh and soul) to crave for more and more of it until the life of the flesh is completely exhausted and the light of the spirit is completely extinguished.  At that moment, the soul departs the flesh and is spun deep into Satan's vortex of total darkness and simultaneously loses completely and eternally God and light.  Anyone fallen into this satanic spiral of sexual merry-go-round must sober up and fight to walk away because Satan, as evil and powerful as it is, is unable to take away Free Will given by God.

Between wholesomeness and perversion lies all kinds of sexual behavior.  I imagine that each is assigned a number commensurate with the frequency, manner and intent (conscious, subconscious or unconscious)of the conduct.  While no consensus can be reached on earth as to how sinful (or not) a certain sexual act is, it is clear in Heaven.  While on earth, it is left up to each person's conscience to determine what sexual act arises out of love and its measured needs as compared to what arises out of lust and its insatiable desires.

[1] No judgment is passed here on whether the intercourse leading to conception is consensual or not, incestuous or not, moral or not, or sinful or not.
[2]  It also advocates that procreational sex can only occur after marriage. Therefore, procreational sex before a union between a man and a woman is officially certified is deemed to be sinful.  (To me, marriage is a strange practice that human beings around the world seem to accept as normal, even natural, and a most unnecessary, unnatural and pointless ordeal that is a complete waste of time and resources since neither marriage nor the institution of marriage regulated by a state or government is a part of God's law or the laws of Nature.) 
[3] Procreational sex out of, say vengeance, or without love (for example, either party fantasizing that he/she is having sex with someone else) would be sinful sex.

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