Saturday, April 20, 2013

Second Of Many Prayers Of Francis Of Assisi

The following is quoted verbatim, italics original [1]:

At Matins
Antiphon:  Holy Virgin Mary
Psalm [ II ]

Lord, God of my salvation,*
I cry day and night to you.
Let my prayer enter into your sight;*
incline your ear to my prayer.
Attend to my soul and free it;*
set me free because of my enemies.
For it was you who took me out of the womb,+
you, my hope from my mother's breasts.*
I have been cast upon you from the womb.
From my mother's womb you have been my God;*
do not depart from me.
You know my disgrace, my confusion*
and my reverence.
All those who trouble me are in your sight;*
My heart has expected abuse and misery.
I looked for someone to grieve together with me+
and there was none,*
for someone to console me and I found none.
God, the wicked have risen against me,*
the assembly of the powerful has sought my life;*
they have not placed you in their sight.
I am numbered among those who go down into the pit.*
I have become as someone without help, cut off among the dead.
You are my most Holy Father,*
my King and my God.
Come to my aid,*
Lord God of my salvation. [2]

[1]  Armstrong, Regis J. O.F.M. Cap. Francis of Assisi: Early Documents, Volume I, The Saint. Page 142. New York: New York City Press, 2000.
[2]  In the book, the footnote to this prayer says that Francis of Assisi said this prayer during Holy Week as was the first prayer I quoted several days ago even though my initial, and mistaken, thought was that these were prayers Francis of Assisi said because he himself was suffering rejection, loneliness and pain.  I made the mistake because I believed and still believe that Francis of Assisi was sometimes as lonely as Christ was because he was a true follower of Christ and he must have hurt inside as much as Christ did.  I also think that anyone who goes against an educated or popular mentality and acts alone out of true goodness that is borne out of humility will feel this loneliness, a loneliness that God understands and shares.

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