Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Purpose of Life

I suppose I have become audacious with age, picking a grand topic such as the purpose of life to write about when I used to draw complete blanks thinking about it in my late twenties.  If I had been asked yesterday what the purpose of life was, I probably would draw yet another blank.  For some reason I am compelled to write about it after looking into the mirror and seeing that my youth has waned and thinking that the inevitable progression of age and the deterioration of the flesh have begun.  Knowing that my physical cells are gradually dying their natural deaths, I have come to the awareness that my spiritual part of me is at its infancy and is beginning to grow just as I grew physically from boyhood to manhood.  With the revelation, I conclude that the purpose of (my) life is to give birth to a spiritual being and as it grows, the need for an earthly physical shell becomes less and less important.  When it takes flight is when (my) flesh dies.  Hopefully my spirit will be received by and be forever joined with the Holy Trinity.

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