Monday, January 14, 2013

The Meaning Of Life - Part 1

This is the ultimate topic and I do not presume I know what it is although I have a few preliminary thoughts.  To know life's meaning, one must start from the very beginning and the very beginning is God, notwithstanding a comic's illustration of God with the words: Let there be light ... and there was Darwin, and around Darwin were a number of creatures.  I remember the image from years and years ago but do not remember who illustrated it but my guess is Piraro Bizzaro.  I loved it and still think it is funny.

Forward to my imagination (or not), I somehow know that prior to birth I was a spirit among hordes of others wanting to be born to have have a chance at experiencing flesh.  How that seemingly grown spirit had transformed into an utterly undeveloped spirit at my birth I do not know, nor do I know how my pre-birth's spirit came into existence nor what these spirits were, if they were lowly angels or an undefined group of spiritual entities.  When I imagine (or recollect) the events (or facts) immediately my birth, I can say that I was in communication with the entity in charge of my and every other birth.  I remember the exchange but it is not relevant here -- all I will say is that the entity was extremely busy and did not have much time or patience for discussions with me.

What is relevant is the simultaneous union of a spirit and the product of human wills that allows an infant to be born for life cannot come into being without either [1].  It is then for this "new" spirit that inhabits the newly-made flesh to acquire meaning gradually as it matures.

[1]  This assertion is not a political or scientific one.  Suffice it to say that I do not believe in abortion because of the countless number of spirits hoping and waiting to experience flesh, not because a spirit can inhabit a fetus that is unable to exist outside of a mother's womb.  The strongest argument for abortion that I can think of is the fact that pro-life advocates presume that all fetuses want to be born when they have no right to make that decision for those who never wanted to be born, but that argument fails because the decision to be born was made by the spirit desiring flesh and there are a whole lot more spirits with this desire than the number of babies made.

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