Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Meaning Of Life - Part 2

Like kids who cannot wait to go out and play, the spirits longing to be incarnated are equally if not more eager to leave their realm but as soon as they are assigned to a newborn, most do not like their respective assignment since most babies cry when they are born.

If these spirits are so eager to experience flesh, they ought to be grateful the moment they are filled with it and feel its magnificence.  They ought to be screaming and laughing and celebrating when they enter the world but cry they do and they keep crying and crying day after day, sometimes night after night.  Why are they so unhappy?  Did the spirits expect so much more while they were so desirous of flesh before they had it?  I supposed I cried too but I do not know why I cried but it would be logical to assume that I had realized that a life with flesh was so much more painful in reality than imagined and crying was a way to express regret and disappointment.

On the other hand, why could my spirit not accept the realities and be content since flesh was what my spirit wanted and flesh was what it was given?  This is where Satan comes in and acts out the drama called Temptation over and over with every soul.  These spirits, while I do not know their classification, are from heaven and when they inhabit flesh on earth, they are accessible to Satan and fair game.  Satan wants to win them over by tempting them again and again.  In this tug-of-war between an incarnated spirit and Satan is where a life gets its meaning.

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