Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Meaning Of Life - Part 3

The purpose of life is to give an opportunity for an incarnated spirit to grow in its human form before it takes flight.  When life has meaning, the spirit grows in fullness dimensionally and in brightness extra-dimensionally.  The more the being chooses God and goodness over Satan and sin, the more complete the spirit, the more likely the spirit will return to heaven from where it came and the more likely it will be united with God [1].

In human form, we are subject to Satan's temptations just as Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan.  Since Christ was sinless, He overcame them, but the flesh that God created in Adam and Eve and are part of ours is not sinless.  The forbidden apple is part of every person's DNA and the Devil had since showered us with more apples than we can bite into in our lifetimes.  All Satan wants us to do is to feed on his apples of temptation and the more a human feeds on them, the less dimensional and the darker the spirit becomes until it is a shade and when it becomes a shade, it cannot return to heaven but is destined to be part of Satan in Hell, "where sin lasts beyond the end of time" [2].

No one other than Satan is recommending a trip to Hell.  To avoid Hell, one must find meaning in life, meaning that is intangible and priceless and that can be had through all kinds of human interactions, whether insignificant or life-changing, momentary or lasting, but they all must spring from genuineness and simple humility and be abundant in love, the kind of love that is stable and steadfast, that energizes and overflows, a love that cannot be depleted and does not deprive.

In giving meaning to life, rounding out and brightening the spirit, one must first be content and not go through life as a victim and envious of others, as if the whole world owes him/her, for what has been given, flesh, is a gift that can lead the spirit back to heaven to be with God.  Given that to be true, no one on earth should complain about inequality in luck, opportunity, health, wealth, intellect, talent or anything else for that matter and those who remain ungrateful for God's gift of flesh and bitter because of innate inequality have already been mostly owned by Satan and could be destined for Hell.

In other words, even a short, sick and painful life is a gift from God and it can have meaning that will fill and give the incarnated spirit a trip back to heaven to be with God.  Conversely, a long and comfortable life replete with fortune, fame and power may not have any meaning at all if they have their origins in Satan's apples, but the best of life's luxuries do not necessarily have to come from Hell, for God can also lavish gifts on those with humility, love and faith in Him. [3]  So seeing people who are rich, attractive, intelligent, talented and so on is like seeing a little of what God is like and that is to be celebrated.  I truly wish I were surrounded by people like that, people whom God have chosen to pamper, not ingrates who hate God's gift of incarnation, ingrates that have turned into shades that can no longer emnate light but exist powerfully under Satan.

[1] The only way a spirit can return to God, its Creator, and be forever a part God is through the human realm.  Therefore a spirit that had once existed in the flesh is different from a spirit that never experienced flesh.  Angels never had flesh and they can never become a part of God.  That is not to say that angels are necessarily subordinated to a fully dimensioned spirit, they just exist in a separate realm and equally content unless they join the fallen ones.

[2] Alighieri, Dante. The Divine Comedy. The Purgatorio, Notes, p. 497. Trans. John Ciardi. New York: New American Library, 2003.

[3] The pronoun used here is for convenience only.  I do not know God's gender of if God even has a gender at any moment in time.

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