Saturday, January 19, 2013

Star Parker

This morning was the first time I saw and heard Star Parker, founder and president of CURE, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education.  She was speaking against abortion on EWTN and during her presentation she threw in some zingers that were directed at secularism and socialism in America.  They were veiled but pointed criticisms of the current administration.  As a dreamer, I played in my mind the hypothetical but foregone possibility that if Star Parker were the candidate for president instead of Mitt Romney, if she would have won.  Of course not.  That was not part of God's plan.  She is God's pick to speak the truth and what politician does that?  However, as a romanticist, I imagined that election night would have been a nail-biter.

For some reason, God's picks seem to have angelic features, that is not to say that Satan's minions are unattractive for they are not.  They have to look sufficiently tantalizing to beguile.  Appearance aside, both God's picks and Satan's minions are equally intelligent and capable for they both come from God except the latter ones are too internally weak to resist the fruit of temptation.  When I saw Star Parker standing behind the podium, it might as well have a presidential seal in front of it because of her beauty, charisma, articulateness and presence, but reality hit when the camera showed the audience and the room she was in:  it was not a formal gathering at the White House and the podium was a humble one.   Nevertheless, the content of her speech was important and encompassing.  She weaved into the topic of abortion social and economic aspects of life that are supported by public policies but not by God's laws.  When she was finished, I was inspired to record my thoughts here.

Leaders like Star Parker keep my hope up that the war against Satan on this planet is not yet lost even though I engage in it individually every day.  My efforts are like a grain of sand on the beach that is being devoured continually by tsunamis. 

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