Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Will Obama Start A War With Iran?

@realDonaldTrump tweeted on November 29, 2011, “In order to get elected, @BarackObama will start a war with Iran.” Although I am not always in agreement with Donald Trump, this was a statement that I feared would come true and with which I reluctantly concurred.

Today “U.S. military officials have confirmed with NBC News and The Washington Post that the American drone recovered by Iran last Thursday was an advanced RQ-170 drone flying on a secret CIA mission,” see http://www.theatlanticwire.com/global/2011/12/what-iran-can-learn-cias-fallen-drone/45795/.

In the last few days there had been articles online saying that Obama had planned to send troop into Iran to recover the fallen drone but that the Iranians had already taken it. Were that to happen and US troops to be shot dead by Iranian soldiers during the recovery process, there would be an uproar and a war with Iran would almost be a certainty.

When Donald Trump tweeted on Tuesday, November 29, and made his strong allegation, he must have already known about the drone. Perhaps Obama jettisoned the drone because Trump's allegation, whether true or not, hit too close to heart.

In the international arena, I thought GW Bush was scary and Obama saintly. I am so naive.

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