Monday, December 5, 2011

Tax The Rich - Sounds Good But Does It Really Work?

According to an article entitled “The World’s Billionaires” by Forbes, “[t]his year's list broke records in size (1,210 billionaires) and total net worth ($4.5 trillion),” see Taking away all their wealth would not pay off America’s debt of $15 trillion. Add to that “the combined net worth of the 400 wealthiest Americans, as measured by Forbes magazine, was $1.5 trillion; and the combined net worth of the poorer 50 percent of American households was $1.6 trillion,” see, the total would be less than $7.6 trillion (after subtracting out the wealth of American billionaires including Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, the Waltons, the Koch brothers, the Google founders Larry Page and Sergei Brin, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, etc. to avoid double-counting) which is less than half of the nation’s debt. So even if the government confiscates the wealth of everyone person in the entire USA and the wealth of the rest of the world's billionaires, it would still be broke.

Tax the rich is a cheap battle cry for the bitter, black-hearted bohemians. If they are truly holy, let them follow the footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi and live an exemplary life of Holy Poverty rather than the life of someone wholly hypocritical.

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