Monday, December 5, 2011

Ferrari Pile-up In Japan

"Police and video reports say the wreck began when a 60-year-old businessman from Fukushima driving a Ferrari F430 attempted to pass a Toyota Prius, but instead hit the guardrail. That set off a chain reaction among the cars driving in a tight formation behind the lead Ferrari, eventually wrapping up seven other Ferraris — namely a 360 Modena, F355 and a white Testarossa — along with a Lamborghini Diablo and a couple of high-end Mercedes," see

Too bad there is not a live footage showing an uncoordinated 60 year-old geezer racing an outdated and likely poorly maintained Ferrari F430 (likely older than 60 in car-years) hit a guardrail when passing a Prius and causing a pile up of old sport cars probably also driven by his other uncoordinated geezer buddies. LOL!! Possibly having been exposed to a dose or two of radiation from the equally poorly maintained Fukushima nuclear plants did not help.

12/30/2011 - I am not proud of this entry but have decided to leave it published for readers to see the ugly side of me when I am in a punchy mood and being stupid (not that my ugly side is not already apparent). 1:40 AM

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