Monday, September 12, 2011

The Dawning of American Socialism

I am not a political scientist and not qualified to render a treatise on socialism in the United States, but simply believe that American socialism began after the fall of fascism under GW Bush (see shortly before he left office when the forces inhabiting Washington was on the brink of nationalizing banks in 2008 and delivered ObamaCare in March of 2010.

I also believe that socialism has ironically been made possible in the United States and palatable to Americans by the waning of Chinese communism and the outsourcing of manufacturing and pollution to China, the resultant expansion of its economy, rapid accumulation of wealth and the communists' purchase of United States capitalists' notes.

Palatable at first, but the road ahead will be painful, as if the pain is not already being felt, if the United States of America continues to go down the socialist path. Everyone will suffer and those whom the "bleeding heart progressives" intend to help will become neglected and suffer even more, for when push comes to shove, most people, progressives included, will adopt the "me and my family first" mentality. Even the powerful and corrupt will have to live with far less choices in the marketplace than under capitalism. And if a new disease breaks out, there may not be enough medication assuming a timely doctor's appointment is available, if there is even a medication for it under an incentiveless socialist state.

Look at Europe, it is not so bad, some people say. Perhaps not, but next time you go, get out of those Michelin-rated restaurants, the 4-star hotels, all the touristy places for the cash-rich Arab and the near-extinct credit-wealthy American and check out the grocery stores for the working folks. And talk to the locals about their healthcare. If a majority of Americans like what they see and hear, then be socialist Europe, but Obama may have already taken the United States into Marxist territory, or is it TERRORtory?

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