Friday, September 16, 2011

Class Warfare

Obama said in his job's speech, "This isn't class warfare." It is precisely class warfare otherwise there is no need to underscore the fact that he is not engaged in one. Therefore, I predict that the 2012 presidential election is going to be split between the Haves and the Have-nots. The latter group seems to be winning.

The Have-nots want a bigger government, despite the inefficiencies and corruption that are plaguing the current one. They are pushing for a federal infrastructure bank, a last step before establishing a national bank, like the Bank of China. With that, the government will have the power to decide what the private sector can or cannot do by controlling funding. As a result, corruption will replace innovation (Solyndra Inc.), apathy will replace productivity and economic activity will stagnate. Without a competitive market with plenty of choices, the Haves will join the Have-nots. Together they will have a low standard of living for the eager workers who produce good work and whose advancement depends on how well they do will become government employees who enjoy job and pay security and could care less about the quality of their output.

The future of the United States is not looking good. Its best days are over. If the Have-nots have their say, then the United States with its massive nuclear arsenal and lack of productivity will inevitably become very much like the "evil empire" that was once the USSR, poor and envious of those with vibrant and prosperous economies. That would truly be tragic.

On the bright side, United States has some good days left. During this time, more good days can be created with better ones to follow but draconian measures need to be taken quickly, from undoing the all mistakes of warmonger GW Bush and socialist Barack Obama to cleaning up the corruption and returning all the illegal immigrants to the immigration lines outside of the United States to start.

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