Saturday, October 17, 2020

Saint Luke The Evangelist Feast Day - 18 October

Quoted below is from [1]:

The feast day of St. Luke the Evangelist is celebrated on October 18.  He is the patron saint of physicians and surgeons.


... Three canticles (hymns)  were preserved by St. Luke:  The Benedictus, the Magnificat and the Nune Dimittis (Canticle of Simeon).

The liturgical uses for the Benedictus, the Magnificat and the Nune Dimittis are as follows [2]:

The "Magnificat" is assigned to Vespers, the "Benedictus" to Lauds, and the "Nunc Dimittis" to Compline.

Regarding the Gospel of Luke,  makes the following observation [3]:

St. Luke places great emphasis on prayer. Luke portrays Jesus as one who prays: Jesus prays during his baptism (3:21), before choosing twelve apostles (6:12), before the confession of Peter (9:18), before the Transfiguration (9:28), before the rendering of the Lord's Prayer (11:1), and before his arrest in the Garden (22:41). All except the prayer in the Garden are unique to Luke alone. The noun for prayer - προσευχή and the verb I pray - προσεύχομαι occur 43 times in his writings. He considers prayer to be among the more important elements of discipleship. Luke shows that prayer is the means by which God has guided his people throughout history.

[2], quoted without hyperlinks.
[3], quoted without emphasis in bold.

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