Friday, October 23, 2020

Boring Abstract Thoughts Inspired By A Report On Two Catholic Churches Burned In Santiago, Chile

Quoted from ChurchPOP [1]:

Rioters set fire to and destroyed two Catholic Churches in Chile on Sun., Oct. 18[, 2020]. The riots “commemorate” last year’s anti-government protests.

Vandals destroyed both the St. Francis Borgia Church and the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Santiago, Chile. Built in 1876, they are the oldest churches in Santiago.

(There are photos and videos in the article cited above.)

America The Jesuit Review  reported as follows [2]:

St. Francis Borgia Church also was vandalized, and religious items were removed, church official said. The parish is home to institutional ceremonies for the “Carabineros,” Chile’s national police, a force unpopular with protesters over accusations of it employing repressive tactics, including 345 eye injuries from the use of pellets shot from anti-riot weapons, according to a U.N. report.


The assailing of two parishes comes as Chile’s Catholic Church suffers the fallout from accusations of clergy sexual abuse and the hierarchy’s improper response to such crimes. A January survey from polling firm Cadem found that 75% of respondents disapprove of the church’s performance.
The Catholic Church is blameless; the evilness of some of those in charge of it ought to be weighed against the evilness of those who desecrate it.  The evilness in others, secular or religious, is neither a reason nor an excuse to perform evil deeds in retaliation.  Evil doers have set God aside or have rejected God which leaves a vacuum in the soul for Satan to enter, inhabit and ruin.

There are people who believe that the ultimate goal in life is to have everything their way, not Christ's way.  Satan plays along with their self-centered, prideful delusion by providing temptations and means to satisfy their insatiable craving.  Satan is not interested in bringing all kinds of pain into people's lives.  It is a waste of time because every life has a preset expiration date.  Since souls never cease to exist, Satan works tirelessly to entice them to follow a disguised path that leads to eternal suffering.

The soul is a separate entity apart from the physical being.  This blog entry asserts that it has a closer and deeper connection to God than either of the heart or the mind.  An ineffable longing connects the soul to God.  The eternal soul is free to make an irrevocable choice to sever this connection, with Satan's encouragement, and does so by influencing and controlling thoughts and actions.

Matthew 22:37 supports the claim that the soul is independent from the heart and the mind [3]:

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

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