Sunday, October 11, 2020

Carlo Acutis Beatified On 10 October 2020

Carlo Acutis is now Blessed Carlo Acutis after his beatification on October 10, 2020 in Assisi, Italy.  "He was only 15 years old when he died in a hospital in Monza, Italy, in 2006, offering all his sufferings for the Church and for the Pope." [1]  EWTN  has an article entitled The Process of Beatification and Canonization that explains in detail beatification and canonization. [2]

Quoted in part from AP News [3]:

[Carlo] Acutis was born in London on May 3, 1991, to Italian parents and moved to Milan as a child. Already as a small child, he showed a strong religious devotion that surprised his non-practicing parents. His mother told the Corriere della Sera newspaper that from age 3 he would ask to visit churches they passed in Milan, and by age 7 had asked to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, winning an exception to the customary age requirement.

Acutis told his mother that he would give her many signs of his presence after death.

“Before he left us, I told him: If in heaven you find our four-legged friends, look for Billy, my childhood dog that he never knew,” the mother said. One day she got a call from an aunt who was unaware of the mother-son pact, saying “I saw Carlo in a dream tonight. He was holding Billy in his arms.”

The presence of animals in Heaven is not surprising.  After all, God created animals to be with Adam in the Garden of Eden.  They should not be mistreated, neglected, abandoned, being hunted as trophies and left to die after they are not longer productive and profitable or after being hit by a vehicle.  They are innocent and deserve to be in Heaven along with humans.  Animals are important.  In Genesis 7 [4]:

The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation.  Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.

Blessed Carlo Acutis' gift to the world can be downloaded.  Quoted from Vatican News [5]: 

At the age of 11, Carlo began to investigate the Eucharistic miracles that have occurred in history. He used all his computer knowledge and talents to create a website that traced that history. It comprises 160 panels and can be downloaded by clicking here and that have also made the rounds of more than 10,000 parishes in the world.
Carlo could not understand why stadiums were full of people and churches were empty. He would repeatedly say, “They have to see, they have to understand."

Blessed Carlo Acutis proves that saints can still be found in the midst of a world of people of whom many are overwhelmed and blinded by all kinds of evil forces and temptations.  They, therefore, do not see, and do not care to understand, in the ways Blessed Carlo Acutis had hoped.

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