Friday, August 23, 2019

Transubstantiation - Who Believes and Who Does Not?

Quoting from Cal Catholic Daily  without hyperlinks [1]:

[T]he United States Conference of Catholic Bishops asked lay Catholics on Facebook  for advice following the release of a troubling Pew Research survey that found only 3 in 10 Catholics actually believe the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ during Mass. 
The laity overwhelmingly responded by calling on the USCCB to reinstitute traditional liturgical practices. 
More than 1,100 comments and hundreds more “likes” revealed Catholics want bishops to combat unbelief in the Real Presence by, among other things, giving communion on the tongue, saying Mass ad orientem, moving tabernacles to the center of the church, restoring Latin chant, and scaling back the role of extraordinary Eucharistic ministers.  
The Pew Research survey found that among weekly Mass-attending Catholics only 63 percent of them believe in transubstantiation, meaning 37 percent of weekly Church goers don’t believe in the real presence. Among the 37 percent who don't believe in transubstantiation, 23 percent don't know what the Church teaches on it and 14 percent do know but reject it.

If the 63 percent of weekly Mass-attending Catholics truly believe that the piece of wafer is the Body and Blood of Christ, then all of them ought to receive Him reverently on their tongues rather than casually receiving Him in their hands as if He were a snack, like a potato chip for instance, and holding Him with dirty fingers before placing Him inside the mouth.

This blogger can say definitively that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Christ, not because he read about it and believed it, but because he questioned it and asked for a sign.  That was the day he went to Eucharistic Adoration for the first time and he wanted to be sure that he was not adoring a wafer in a monstrance!  Not just one sign but three of them were given consecutively because he remained skeptical after the first two.  He knows in his heart that that God was very upset by the time the third sign was given.


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