Sunday, August 4, 2019

Good Priests Complaining About Sex Abuse Scandals

An Associated Press  article entitled Pope encourages priests disheartened by sex abuse fallout  published on August 4, 2019, addressed Bergoglio's acknowledgement of  "the 'pain' of priests who 'feel themselves attacked and blamed for crimes they did not commit.'" [1]

The article elicited a comment from Nick, a Yahoo!  reader.  It is quoted below as published [2]:

The Pope is a mockery as the Fisherman. He avoids what needs to be done. The Faithfull are moving away. The Church is a building, my faith is un God as welm as the teachings of Jesus. There are other Churches to pray in. The Catholuc Church is a. Institution. Something Jesus would actually frown on. Perhaps the next Pope will be more like Jesus than the Politucal man in the chair. Even the Cardinals can make a bad choice. They have many times before.

Nick may not have spelled all his words correctly but his observations and conclusions are flawless in this blogger's opinion.

[2] Ibid.

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