Sunday, August 25, 2019

Evil Gravitates Towards Seats Of Power

This entry is purely speculative.  The seats of power are everywhere, some having little impact and some having enormous influence.  Those who occupy them are usually weak, lacking in fortitude in resisting temptations.  They are minions of Satan and just like Satan they are proud but unlike Satan which knows God well, they are oblivious of God.

Christ said, "'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" [1].  Many who are powerful love themselves more than anyone else and more than God.  People who abuse power to the detriment of others live fantasy lives as if theirs were eternal.

There is this saying, "live long and prosper," that megalomaniacs live by, except that they forget the next part "and then you die" that this blogger made up.

After a search online, this is the history, quoted without hyperlinks [2]:

“Live long and prosper” was the famous phrase said by Leonard Nimoy‘s Star Trek character Mr. Spock after giving the Vulcan Salute… and it was also part of the actor’s final tweet before his death.

To this blogger's surprise, death actually followed in the actor's real life.

Life is not eternal.  Heaven and Hell are eternal.

Hell is real but most megalomaniacs are in denial of it.  Had they taken a moment out of their constant self-obsessive lives and imagined Hell, even for a moment, they would not do the things they do.

All those who were, are and will be a part of this world, are neighbors to one another without regard to the passage of time.  The world is not that big.  Living organisms share the same air and water that allow them to thrive.  Earth is tiny relative to the Milky Way and the Milky Way is a speck of dust relative to God's universe.

Megalomaniacs think what they rule over is expansive just as their egos are expansive and think that their power lasts indefinitely until they meet face to face with their own mortality.

Creatures of pride and power refuse to acknowledge that everyone is a child of God and is loved by God.  They see people as "us" versus "them" when everyone is sinful, by choice.

Sinners cannot win.  Sinners can destroy their own souls, each other and Mother Nature unless they repent and seek God.  When the moment comes when God does not acknowledge the sinner, then it would be too late for the soul to be saved.


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