Monday, February 18, 2019

Which Hurts More: Total Rejection Or Pure Love?

It depends, is an answer to the question posed above.  From God's point of view, this blogger imagines, the answer is total rejection but from man's it is pure love.

The reason that one's total rejection of God, including disbelief in and indifference toward God, hurts God tremendously is because God's love for every person is unconditional, undiluted and unlimited.  When such great a love is taken for granted, when one thinks that one is entitled to it, that it is well-deserved, how painful it must be for God Whose only Son suffered under the hands of man, in order that man can be saved from his own self.  For those who cannot imagine God’s pain most likely have either never experienced betrayal of the purest of intentions that were borne out of goodness and innocence emanating from deep within the heart that were free from any ulterior motive, or are too cynical to believe that such pure intentions can be possible because they are impossible for them.

As a result of Original Sin, pure love, the love that God gives to man continuously and unfailingly, cannot be possible for man.  God knows this and does not expect pure love from man.  This does not mean that man, because of his imperfect nature, has an excuse to ignore God, leaving God outside of his daily consciousness.

Despite man's refusal to acknowledge God and God's love, God nonetheless waits patiently, compassionately and lovingly for each person to love God in return.  To return God's love is to live with a clean conscience, to be genuinely good, to be humble and to accept both moments of joy and periods of suffering equally.  Loving God is neither easy nor was it ever intended to be easy.  Christ demonstrated this on His way to Calvary and by His crucifixion.  Of course, there are easy ways to live, the ways of the world, ways that belong to Satan, such as living in envy, with greed, pride and without a conscience, in wickedness, with vengeance and without forgiveness, in a self-centered world without consideration for others, and with cruelty in thoughts, words and deeds, the list goes on and on.

And on the last day of life, that day is certain to arrive, sooner or later, when one stands before Christ, when one will for the first time realize the full extent and magnitude of God's all-encompassing love and justice through Christ.  If the soul is not already dammed, then it will likely have the mercy of Christ Whose Sacred Heart is united to His Mother's Immaculate Heart.  It is at this moment when the soul faces the inescapable Truth and sees all the stains of sins it had accumulated throughout life, when it would be too late for repentance.  But God is forgiving.  When a soul is being given a chance to enter Heaven through Purgatory, imagine the amount of relief and gratitude from being spared an eternity in Hell, as well as the pain the shameful and regretful soul must feel for having received such pure love that is so undeserved yet unconditionally given.  This pain has to be greater than any rejection because rejection is external and can be retaliated by a similar rejection or can be ignored, whereas God’s love and pardon are one-sided and non-reciprocal and they overwhelm the interior with gratitude and awaken the ineffable pain of shame and regret.

One might contend that God's total rejection hurts more than God's pure love when a soul realizes that it is to spend an eternity in Hell.  Those who are to spend an eternity in Hell is not to be viewed as either a rejection or a punishment by God but rather as the fulfillment of their own individual Free Will in the disbelief in and rejection of God, finding God unnecessary and irrelevant time and time again during their sinful earthly lives when they had been given limitless chances to repent and love God in return while God waited patiently and never giving up.  It is always the person by his or her Free Will who gives up on God, not the other way around.  For these people, their freely chosen destination for their forever living souls is everlasting Hell.

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