Thursday, February 21, 2019

Christians Under Attack

In France and India, Christians have been under attack.  Catholic churches in France were specifically targeted.  Attacks in India were not specifically identified as Catholic.

In France, "[a]t least 10 incidents of vandalism and desecration of Catholic churches have been reported in France since the beginning of February[, 2019]. [1]

In India, "[i]In January 2019 there were 29 incidents of violence against Indian Christians in 13 Indian states." [2]  "'The data do not differ much from the trend of 2018, which saw an average of 20 incidents a month, almost a case of violence a day...'" [3]

Apparently all the politicking Bergoglio is doing around the world is not quite making a positive impact.  Perhaps the title of this hymn "They'll Know We Are Christians by Our Love" written by Peter Scholtes [4] ought to be Bergoglio's inspiration, not his unstated motto which could very well be "they will know we are Catholics by our politics."

In Madagascar, "[a]ccording to Fr. Ludovic Rabenatoandro, Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Antananarivo, who reported the testimony given by Fr. Nicolas a few days before his death, on 9 February, around 6.30pm, while he was riding his motorcycle, he was stopped by some bandits on the road to Mahitsy, a rural town located only 30 km from the capital. Fr. Nicolas was returning to the Soanavela center, after bringing the Eucharist to a sick man.

"The criminals shot the priest behind his back. Once on the ground, they walked over him and kicked him. Before leaving, the bandits shot him for the second time...." [5]

Unlike Russia and China, France, India and Madagascar all have freedom of religion based on a quick check online.  This freedom does not guarantee safety, however.  In the United States, religious freedom is not unlimited based on the idea of separation of church and state [6], even though there is no separation between God and man everywhere.  The only true separations are between good and evil and between Heaven and Hell.

People are not separated by their religions; they are separated by what they choose, either good or evil.  Even Christians, Catholics included, make such a choice.  Those who attack Christians or anyone else have chosen to do evil.  Evil does not discriminate; it permeates all religious beliefs and all places.

[3] Ibid.

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