Sunday, February 24, 2019

Bergoglio's Empty Promises

"Pope Francis has promised that 'concrete action' will be taken against child sexual abuse by Catholic priests during an extraordinary summit of bishops in Rome." [1]

"'Faced with the scourge of sexual abuse committed by men of the church against minors, I wanted to reach out to you [but in reality do nothing at all],' Pope Francis told the assembled bishops and heads of religious orders." [2] [annotated]

Bergoglio also offered reflection points entitled Meeting on “The Protection of Minors in the Church” – Reflection points, 21.02.2019. [3]  His 21 points are not quoted here because it would be a waste of time to read and reflect on them.  The time has come to act, not to reflect.

But the Catholic Church did act on sexual abuses [4]:

"Files that could have documented the terrible deeds and named those responsible were destroyed, or not even created," [Cardinal Reinhard] Marx said. "Instead of the perpetrators, the victims were regulated and silence imposed on them. The stipulated procedures and processes for the prosecution of offences were deliberately not complied with, but instead cancelled or overridden. The rights of victims were effectively trampled underfoot, and left to the whims of individuals."

[2] Ibid.

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