Saturday, February 2, 2019

Is Love Blind?

"Modern-day research supports the view that the blindness of love is not just a figurative matter. A research study in 2004 by University College London found that feelings of love suppressed the activity of the areas of the brain that control critical thought." [1]

As usual, this disagreeable blogger disagrees.  When critical thought is suppressed, it is not love.  It is denial.

Love cannot be blind and is not blind.  For one to love another truly and unconditionally, one has to see and accept all the faults in the other person and still be able to love without reservation.

Love is constant.  It does not fluctuate.  It is not like that one moment when that critical thought area of one's brain is no longer being suppressed that the love from the evening before is no longer the same love as the day after, if there is even any love left.

Man's love is limited to blind love because man cannot love what bothers him non-stop but Christ can because Christ's love is an all-seeing, unchanging love.  Christ loves despite all the things that one does against His Will, not once but again and again.

Christ's love waits for everyone to see in oneself what He sees and to go to Him and ask for forgiveness with utmost humility. 


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