Saturday, January 26, 2019

Encouraging Catholic Youths Or Poisoning Their Minds?

The following paragraph is part of Bergoglio's speech during the opening ceremony at World Youth Day 2019 [1]:

A saint from these lands liked to say that, “Christianity is not a collection of truths to be believed, of rules to be followed, or of prohibitions. Seen that way it puts us off. Christianity is a person who loved me immensely, who demands and asks for my love. Christianity is Christ” (cf. Saint Oscar Romero, Homily, 6 November 1977). It means pursuing the dream for which he gave his life: loving with the same love with which he loved us.

Does that mean Catholics no longer need to attend Sunday Mass, go to confession and receive Holy Communion, or even pray the rosary for that matter?  If that is truly what leads all souls to Heaven, then the there is no need to print anymore hard copies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church and to maintain the Vatican website dedicated to it [2].

When Christ said go and sin no more [3], is that not Christianity?  According to Bergoglio, quoting some saint who said, "'Christianity is not a collection of truths to be believed, of rules to be followed, or of prohibitions'" [4], then it must not be part of Christianity since those words of Christ are both a rule to be followed and a prohibition.  Based on this conclusion, then all of Christ's admonitions must be not deemed to be a part of Christianity, according to Bergoglio.

This blogger is really disillusioned.  How is he to defend Christ's words when someone quotes this pope quoting a saint the words in the paragraph quoted above with tacit approval?  He can only shake his head in silence and embarrassment and admit to himself that Satan is powerful, extremely powerful, and that it has found a body to possess and that is Bergoglio's, and perhaps some others too.

[3], 2-11.

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