Saturday, January 19, 2019

Clergy Sexual Predation Not Limited To Males

Catholic News Agency  published an article dated January 18, 2019, entitled Sister resigns from Detroit seminary after sex abuse allegations.  It stated that "Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit announced this week the resignation of Sr. Mary Finn, 84, a long-time faculty member and assistant professor of theology, after allegations surfaced that she had sexual contact with young adult novices under her charge in the 1970s." [1]

Does the vow of chastity not mean anything to her and other despicable creatures in the clergy that abuse their authority regardless of their gender and sexual orientation?

"In her resignation letter, posted to the seminary’s website, Finn admits to having 'misused my position of authority as a director of novices in the Home Visitors of Mary (HVM) Order, engaging in inappropriate conduct with two adult novices. I regret that behavior, have repented of my actions, and sincerely apologize for the harm I have caused.'" [2]

Finn did not "misuse" her authority; she abused  her authority.  She not only engaged in inappropriate sexual conduct, she had destroyed the lives of young women who wanted to serve God.  That is not simply a "harm" that she can mitigate by her untimely apology, one that was forced upon her by "allegations" that had "surfaced."

This blogger suspects that there are many lesbian nuns who are sexually active, consensually and non-consensually.  Finn's exposure is merely a glimpse into a kind of perversion that can take place within an all-female religious community.

[2] Ibid, quoted without hyperlink.

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