Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Women Demanding Greater Participation In The Catholic Church

EWTN News Nightly  raised the issue on women not having enough say in the decision-making process in the Catholic Church in its October 16, 2018 broadcast on You Tube [1].  This blogger has a response, not only on this issue but on every other issue everywhere in the world about which women have complained bitterly for not having enough participation, because men have been largely in charge, relegating women to the periphery.  His response is in the form of a question: where do men come from?

Every male come from the womb of a woman.  This woman is his mother.  He owes his life to her.  She is the most important person in his life, from infancy to boyhood, even to adulthood.  While he is growing up, he relies upon his mother who feeds him, raises him, teaches him and who sets an example for him so that when he grows up, he can become the man his mother wants him to become.

A man, therefore, is the product of his mother, a woman.  How can women, as a group, claim that they do not have participation in areas dominated by men?  Is a woman not the first person who has the most influence in the life of a boy?  This influence is critical to the formation of boy who is to become a man.  Based on this assertion, why do women blame men for excluding them when women are the ones with the greatest impact upon the life of a man?

What about those boys whose mothers have left them during infancy or boyhood, and boys whose mothers do not love them and who find them to be burdensome?  Can women blame these boys for excluding women in their lives when they grow up to become men?

Look at Jesus Whose Mother is the Virgin Mary Who is blessed among women, Who loves Her Son dearly, and look at where She is now and the powers She has -- even Satan fears Her.

[1] https://youtu.be/W-f61sXJH4Q?t=707

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