Thursday, October 25, 2018

Catholic Church Sex Scandals In France  reported on October 22, 2018, as follows [1]:

A priest in central France accused of sexually assaulting a minor committed suicide in his church, Catholic authorities said Monday, the second French priest to take his life over abuse claims in a month.

Pierre-Yves Fumery, 38, hanged himself in his presbytery in the town of Gien in the Loire valley. His body was found on Saturday.


Orleans bishop Jacques Blaquart, whose diocese includes Gien, called it a “moment of suffering and a tragic ordeal”. 
Blaquart said some members of Fumery’s parish had brought attention to the priest’s “inappropriate behaviour” towards children aged 13, 14 and 15, including a girl “that he took in his arms and drove home several times.”

About a month earlier, on September 20, 2018, New Strait Times  reported as follows [2]:

RENNES: A 38-year-old French priest in a northern French town committed suicide in his church after being accused of molesting a young woman, local prosecutors and police sources told AFP on Wednesday.

Jean-Baptiste Sebe killed himself Tuesday in the church north of Rouen amid allegations from a local mother that her grown-up daughter had been a victim of “indecent behaviour and sexual assault,” a police source said.

Catholic churches in France, a country where so many saints came from are apparently not exempt from sex scandals, and based on the reports, apparently not all sex scandals are homosexual even though the majority of them in the news are homosexual.

Can one therefore conclude reasonably that homosexuals are more sexually active than heterosexuals?  Probably not because priests are sexual beings regardless of whether one is homosexual, heterosexual or bisexual.  Perhaps the reason why there are more homosexual scandals in the Catholic Church is because the majority of clerics are gay.  If, however, the majority of the clerics are straight, then there would likely be many more girls and young women who would be molested and raped than boys and young men.

A cleric's inability to remain chaste is not a function of sexual orientation but is dependent on the cleric's ability to control his sexual impulses.  One's inability to curtail one's sexual drive is not limited to clerics (straight, gay or bi) but is common among men, not just those who are famous, powerful and wealthy.


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