Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Pope On The Blessed Virgin Mary

In his book, the pope said as follows [1], quoted in part:

From the moment she was born until the Annunciation, to the moment she encountered the angel of God, I imagine her as a normal girl, a girl of today, I can’t say she a city-girl, because she is from a small town, but normal, educated normally, open to marrying, to starting a family. One thing I imagine is that she loved the Scriptures: she knew the Scriptures, she had done catechesis in a family environment, from the heart. Then, after the conception of Jesus, she was still a normal woman: Mary is normal, she is a woman that any woman in this world can imitate. No strange things in life, a normal mother: even in her virginal marriage, chaste in that frame of virginity, Mary was normal. She worked, went shopping, helped her Son, helped her husband: normal”. [Emphasis original.]

He then went on and on, tediously, based on what was reported in the article cited under footnote [1].  This blogger has not read the book nor does he plan to read it.  The article did not report that Bergoglio said anything about the Blessed Virgin Mary being the Immaculate Conception.  Perhaps he did not.

Assuming that Bergoglio did not in his book acknowledge or does not personally believe that the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without Original Sin [2], it therefore makes sense that he was able to imagine the Blessed Virgin Mary being "a normal girl, a girl of today" and "a normal woman" (quoting his words).  My recommendation is that he needs to pray the Magnificat daily and publicly [2]:

My soul doth magnify the Lord.
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
[Because] [H]e hath regarded [the humility of his handmaid;] [for] behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
[Because] [H]e that is mighty hath [done great things to me;] and holy is [H]is Name.
And [H]is mercy is [from generation to generations, to them that fear Him.]
He hath [showed might in His arm;] [H]e hath scattered the proud in the [conceit] of their [heart].
He hath put down the mighty from their seat[;] and hath exalted the humble[.]
He hath filled the hungry with good things[;] and the rich he hath sent empty away.
He [hath received Israel His servant, being mindful of His mercy,]
As [He spoke to our] fathers, [to] Abraham and [to] his seed for ever. [Amen]
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son: and to the Holy Ghost;
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen. [in brackets: from True Devotion to Mary with Preparation For Total Consecration  by Saint Louis-Marie Gringion de Montfort, translated by Father Frederick William Faber, D.D., edited and annotated by The Fathers of the Company of Mary, retypeset and copyright in 2010 by Saint Benedict Press, TAN Books.]

The Magnificat tells the world that the Blessed Virgin Mary is unequal to anyone.  Therefore, this blogger concludes that Bergoglio was wrong to equate the "normal girl, a girl of today" and "a normal woman" to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  In doing so, Bergoglio was close to being Satanic by downgrading the Mother of God to a "normal girl, a girl of today" and to "a normal woman".

The Mother of God is no ordinary girl (or woman) of today, or yesterday.  Bergoglio should have equated the "normal girl, a girl of today" and "a normal woman" to the other woman who was made without Original Sin, Eve, who was full of pride and disobeyed God and fell for Satan and its temptation.

It would be rare and therefore "not  normal" for "a girl of today" or "a normal woman" to be pure and undefiled like the Blessed Virgin Mary Who humbles Herself and obeys God without question and Whom Satan hates and fears.  Yet, Bergoglio insisted repeatedly that Mary, Mother of God, was "normal" like a girl and a woman of today when She was blessed by God in a unique and holy way, a truth  (God's Truth) that Bergoglio, presumably, ignored on purpose in his book, that  did not highlight in its article quoted in part above.

This blogger is not so sure anymore that Bergoglio is truly Christ's disciple.  Perhaps he was once, then Satan entered him, allowing him to imagine and state in his book that the Blessed Virgin Mary is comparable to "a girl of today" and "a normal woman" and directing him to insinuate, ever so imperceptibly yet deceivingly, that the Mother of God is as impure, proud and corruptible as "a normal girl, a girl of today" and "a normal woman".  The possibility that Bergoglio who is a disciple of Christ is also a betrayer of Christ is very real because to assume that Judas Iscariot was the only disciple whom Satan had entered and who betrayed Christ in 2,000 plus years is unrealistic.

[3] "In 1854, four years before the apparitions of Mary at Lourdes, Pope Pius IX defined the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception which stated that 'the most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by Almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of Original Sin.'" See

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