Friday, August 31, 2018

What Was The Beginning Like?

God made the Garden of Eden for Adam.  Every part of Eden was perfect for Adam down to the minutest of details.  Adam whom God made in His own image was therefore perfect in every way, and Adam conformed his own free will to the Will of God.

What it might have been like to live as Adam during this time one can only imagine, when Adam was alone with God.  He was cared for and loved by God and lived every moment with complete fulfillment.  Adam knew that he was perfect in every way.  Unlike the mythological Narcissus, Adam did not need to gaze into a pond to see that he was.

Was Adam lonely being the only human?  This blogger cannot imagine how he could be with God as his companion at all times.  Yet, God decided that he needed someone that shared his constitution since God cannot make Adam God because God is the One and Only, "the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." [1]

Before God created a companion for Adam, Adam would wake up every morning full of vigor.  He would be embraced by perfect weather without the need for clothing.  He would see Mother Nature change before his eyes, with no two moments ever the same, capturing his imagination and taking it beyond his limits, for such is the miracle of God's creations.

Adam would eat when he was hungry but not the Forbidden Fruit.  Since he was perfect, he would eat precisely the right foods and precisely the right quantity of each that his body needed.  With this perfect match, all of what he ate would be consumed entirely by his flesh to produce energy without any waste whatsoever.

God gave Adam everything he needed to sustain his life and left nothing out.  Adam was worry-free.  There were no diseases and disease-carrying vermin to ruin his perfect health.

Before Adam was given the Forbidden Fruit to eat, he would not age and die.  Being young forever, there was no incentive for Adam to reproduce since he would never become old and feeble, needing someone to take care of him.  He left everything in God's hands.

Eden is what every man desires.  It was real estate set in timeless idyll having an ideal climate that was constant, and having fertile soil for different kinds of vegetation that would produce a variety of new fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables daily for Adam so that he would never have to search for them.

If there is one word to encapsulate Adam's life, it would be contentment.

In a way, Adam was the first hermit, a monk living alone, who was (and is) close to God, literally and spiritually, and who was filled with gratitude for his gift of life in the flesh every waking moment.  What a life he had!

When God introduced the woman, Adam was merely amused and curious.  She was something new in his life, but not something he had ever desired.  This woman was not created to have sexual relations with Adam and to procreate but as Adam's platonic companion in the Garden of Eden, subordinated to him.

Sadly, this woman did not like what she was created for and was neither faithful to God nor loyal to Adam.  Satan knew this and approached her, seduced her and she gave herself over to the creature.  Satan did not just appear when she was made.  It was always around but never dared to show Itself to Adam to ask him to eat the Forbidden Fruit because It would be unequivocally rejected.  Satan, being proud, could not take a rejection, let alone from a human who was in so many ways inferior in intellect, strength, endurance and appearance to what It used to be, God's most beautiful angel, Lucifer.

What happened next ended the Beginning God created and now utopia exists only in man's imagination.


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