Friday, August 24, 2018

The Only Good Way For This Catholic Church To Move Away From Its Abominable Sex Scandals Is To Rebuild It

Whatever happened to the vow of chastity?  It must have been replaced by betrayal.  Fidelity to and love of the Lord Christ Jesus have been set aside by the many shepherds who are supposed to guide the flock of lost sheep toward an intimate relationship the Lord.  Instead, enough of them had acted, and would likely continue to act out their homosexual tendencies in ways that are not only immoral but quite possibly criminal as well had their actions not been exposed.

Whatever happened to truth?  It is being covered-up, denied and misrepresented by shepherds of the Catholic Church from the pope down for decades and decades.  Rather than kneeling before the Alter of Sacrifice in the Church to pray and repent, and going to his office to gather up all the files and submit them for review by the public throughout the world, Donald William Wuerl, a ranking member of the Catholic Church, ran to Jones, Day, a prestigious (and expensive) law firm, for cover.  An article published by The National Law Journal  on August 15, 2018, written by Ryan Lovelace, entitled As Sexual Abuse Scandals Mount, DC Cardinal Turns to Jones Day [1] is a worthwhile read.  The name "Cardinal Wuerl" has been excised like a cancerous tumor from North Catholic High School in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, [2] and he is no longer to be remembered by a new generation -- it would have been far better off if Donald William Wuerl had never existed at all.

Whatever happened to charity?  The collections and donations that are received by the Catholic Church around the world, should they not be used to aid the needy, as opposed to paying for legal defense?  Does truth require a defense lawyer?  Truth speaks authoritatively -- it does not need representation.  Paying a law firm for legal defense is not charity.  It takes away from the poor and needy.

Whatever happened to the vow of poverty?  If a shepherd of God is truly poor in spirit and is truly without means, there is no place on earth and no time for him to indulge in child pornography, to engage in sex with young boys, seminarians, male escorts and each other.  He would be praying, fasting, doing penance, seeking shelter and begging for alms.

Whatever happened to God?  Is God present in the minds and hearts of these depraved sexual perverts and predators who dress and speak in public as if they were servants of God?  If so, then they probably do not care about their eternity and are not afraid of it.  Like Judas Iscariot, they have rejected Christ's calling and betrayed Christ's trust and love.  Judas hanged himself with a rope; each of these these sexual perverts and predators, and every person who participated in concealing their wrong-doings, is hanging himself with his own string of lies and denials.

Where is Satan in the midst of all these scandals?  It (he) is rejoicing, delighted by its (his) success in ruining souls.

In this blogger's opinion, the Catholic Church must start over.  To do so, it may need to go through a total bankruptcy in order that it may be rebuilt by faithful and holy shepherds dedicated to lead the lost sheep toward an intimate relationship with the Lord. [3]  This opinion may be somewhat extreme, but when so many boys and young men have been made victims of unwanted sex and sexual advances over such a long period linked to the misappropriation of church resources, directly and indirectly, any measure that is not extreme and that lacks transparency will likely be deemed a nuisance and over time, the Catholic Church and those within it, will likely once again return to their regular course business, conducted in secrecy and without accountability, as usual.

As a compromise, every hallway in every building, owned or rented, by the Catholic Church, including monasteries, seminaries and all other living quarters has to be equipped with security cameras for anyone to log in and view at any time from any place in the world, and all suspicious activities are to be anonymously referred to an independent committee for review, allowing for further investigation as necessary, at the completion of which, all evidence and findings are to be uploaded to a website for public access.  Funding for this is to come first from tourism and special events conducted by the Vatican, and then the sale of Vatican art pieces, followed by the sale of Vatican-owned real estate around the world.  Without any irregular activity, sexual and/or financial, the cost of monitoring ought to be minor relative to the Vatican's annual maintenance and expense budget, allowing the Catholic Church to remain intact while starting over without further scandals and without going into bankruptcy.

[3] There is a priest on You Tube, Fr. Mike Schmitz, who said, "Don't leave the Church; lead the Church."  If ordinary Catholics can lead the Catholic Church as saints, then what is the use of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church on which its (and his) very existence depends?  Ordinary Catholics go to church to be led, yet he turns it around and places the burden on them:  While all people should strive to be saints, perhaps Fr. Mike Schmitz ought to say to the pope, to all the cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops and the priests that they are to lead by example, just as Jesus did, by first becoming like Christ themselves.

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