Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Beginning, The Past, The Present, The Future And The End

The end has to be identical to the beginning because God Who is perfect made the beginning.  Being perfect, the beginning therefore does not require improvement.  After Eve permitted the Satan to enter her, everything that happened since has been a defilement of perfection.  All defilements once completed belong to the past, and all defilements that are currently being executed belong to the present and finally, all defilements that are still in the planning stages belong to the future.  This cycle of defilements will continue until man has fully ruined his existence by intoxicating his environment and by wiping out large populations with bombs at which time the end will arrive, and when it arrives, it will once again be made perfect by God just like it was in the beginning.

The conclusion drawn above is based on the following verses from the Book of Revelations:

1.  “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” [1]

2.  "He said to me: 'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.'" [2]

3.  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." [3]

The modern world has been made convenient by advancements in technology, such as smart phones, immediacy of information and portable entertainment, but such advancements are illusory, and Satan is the best illusionists of all.  It being the master and manipulator of man's future, one that leads not to life but death and man, stupidly, has been deceived by Its illusions yet believes himself to be brilliant, having improved upon the antiquated past providing convenience for the future.

In order to head in the right direction, man must not look toward the future but backward to the beginning when everything was perfect, when there was no need for any kind of advancement, whether in medicine or in technology, since God made everything perfect, including communication so that when one speaks the other will hear regardless of location.  Thus it can be said that smart phones are for stupid people everywhere because they are unable to return to the beginning and re-create God's perfection.

Despite living in a place of perfection, Eve was not satisfied, she being a derivative of Adam, being made from him.  Eve knowing she was not God's first creation, and unwilling to be second to Adam, she wanted to be better, to be just like God, and sold her soul to Satan.  Satan always approaches the proud since pride is Satan's favorite sin.  Eve took Satan's bait and ate the Forbidden Apple.  As soon as she took her first bite, Eve knew that she had been deceived and the difference between good and bad.  Instead of feeling remorseful, she became cunning like her new maker, Satan, and pretended that she knew nothing and that she was innocent and gave the apple to Adam to eat, who did not know that her apple was the Forbidden Apple as opposed to all the other apples in the Garden of Eden. [*]

God punished both Eve and Adam even though Adam in this blogger's opinion, was not to be blamed. [*]  The violation God's only command is not something that can be overlooked or excused by claiming innocence.  The Forbidden Apple, once eaten, cannot be uneaten.  Like the proverbial bell that had been rung, cannot be unrung.  The knowledge acquired from having eaten the Forbidden Apple cannot be unacquired.  Therefore, by knowing good and evil, Adam had to be banished along with Eve from the Garden of Eden.

Eve, this blogger imagines, is one of many brides of Satan and is in Hell together with Satan's male lovers and admirers.  Her eternity is to watch with envy, jealousy, bitterness and wrath her replacement, another woman, the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was far inferior to her by having been born from a womb, who had never seen God, who had been made sinless like her, but who was the opposite of her who chose to be obedient to God, who chose to be humble, who chose to subordinate herself fully to God, whose exceptional beauty, inside and out, had never been seen before or will ever be again seen, who was the Mother of God's only Son, who is attended by Heaven's angels and loved by God.  Eve remains the one and only hand-made daughter of God and she knows it.  Instead of being a beloved daughter of God, sitting next to God in Heaven, she now belongs to Satan, a creature that has no love, and is being casted aside as a nobody, just like all the other souls that It has ruined.  Yet, Eve in her pitiful existence remains proud knowing that she will forever be the only woman God personally created, putting herself in her sick and deluded mind above the Blessed Mother in every way conceivable.  The voice in the mirror on her wall is now on infinite loop: "The Blessed Virgin Mary is the fairest of all," making Eve look uglier every time she asks: "Who is the fairest of all?"  She asks this question incessantly and her present ugliness just about rivals Satan's.

Adam, this blogger thinks, had been saved by his replacement, the new Adam, the only Son of God by His death and subsequent resurrection since Adam was not the one who wanted to be like God.  Therefore, Adam's humility and his acceptance of his place as God's first-made man without wanting to be like God had saved him from eternal Hell.

Man who exists in this world who is fascinated by what the future might hold lives in a fantasy crafted by Satan.  He thinks he has dominion over the earth when in reality Satan has dominion over him.  Those who are blind to God remains in Satan's control and will realize this when the end arrives.  For man to emerge from under Satan's power, he must engage in a constant struggle against Satan without a moment's rest.

When the end arrives, the beginning returns but not all are invited to partake in it.  Those who have irrevocably chosen to allow Satan to enter them, believing that everything is relative, that they can do anything they desire with their abilities, that they can shape the future in accordance with their wishes, will end up existing in their individually perceived future which is in fact an illusion that masks the real entrance to Hell which belongs to Satan, the Destroyer of souls.

It is best therefore not to look toward the future that is Satan's but toward the beginning that belongs to God, leading one back the Creator Who is God.

[*] A later post on September 29, 2018, entitled Free Will And Predestination  contradicts these two statements.  These statements are therefore wrong.  Adam did  know that the "apple" was the "Forbidden Apple."  This blogger apologizes for his errors.

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