Wednesday, August 22, 2018

What Is Love?

What is love?  This is a question for the ages.  No ordinary person has been able to answer it definitively, in deeds or in words, since love is subject to individual thought which spoils its purity.  Without an answer to the question posed, this blogger will only record here what has entered his consciousness:

1.  Love is an innate energy that compels one to act.

2.  Love is feeling of longing and belonging.

3.  Love is a perpetual contradiction between the heart and the mind.

4.  Love is an imagination; yet no imagination is rich enough to embrace its magnitude.

5.  Love is a song but no song communicates it fully.

6.  Love is a subject that everyone seems to know; yet love is as elusive as a cool gentle breeze on a hot summer day.

7.  Love is selfishly-owned, a commodity that is quantified, qualified, monetized and traded unfairly.

8.  Love’s nemesis is not hate; it is choice, the choice to abandon love entirely.

9.  Love, when abandoned, leaves a void in the heart that is filled with envy, thievery, jealousy, pride, betrayal, maliciousness and vengeance.

10. Love, in its purest undiluted form usually comes too late, that which is gained from hindsight and filled with regret.

11. Love that is pure is what everyone expects but that no one deserves.

12. Love thrives on trust; those who have no trust do not experience love.

13. Love is painful because it is vulnerable.

14. Love that exists in a lover’s dream is not love; it is self-gratification.

15. Love is giving without benefiting.

16. Love is self-sacrificing in silence without boasting.

17. Love is not derived from conquest but is gained from conciliation.

18. Love is inexhaustible and infinite.

19. Love is life-giving.

20. Love is from God.

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