Friday, August 31, 2018

What Was The Beginning Like?

God made the Garden of Eden for Adam.  Every part of Eden was perfect for Adam down to the minutest of details.  Adam whom God made in His own image was therefore perfect in every way, and Adam conformed his own free will to the Will of God.

What it might have been like to live as Adam during this time one can only imagine, when Adam was alone with God.  He was cared for and loved by God and lived every moment with complete fulfillment.  Adam knew that he was perfect in every way.  Unlike the mythological Narcissus, Adam did not need to gaze into a pond to see that he was.

Was Adam lonely being the only human?  This blogger cannot imagine how he could be with God as his companion at all times.  Yet, God decided that he needed someone that shared his constitution since God cannot make Adam God because God is the One and Only, "the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." [1]

Before God created a companion for Adam, Adam would wake up every morning full of vigor.  He would be embraced by perfect weather without the need for clothing.  He would see Mother Nature change before his eyes, with no two moments ever the same, capturing his imagination and taking it beyond his limits, for such is the miracle of God's creations.

Adam would eat when he was hungry but not the Forbidden Fruit.  Since he was perfect, he would eat precisely the right foods and precisely the right quantity of each that his body needed.  With this perfect match, all of what he ate would be consumed entirely by his flesh to produce energy without any waste whatsoever.

God gave Adam everything he needed to sustain his life and left nothing out.  Adam was worry-free.  There were no diseases and disease-carrying vermin to ruin his perfect health.

Before Adam was given the Forbidden Fruit to eat, he would not age and die.  Being young forever, there was no incentive for Adam to reproduce since he would never become old and feeble, needing someone to take care of him.  He left everything in God's hands.

Eden is what every man desires.  It was real estate set in timeless idyll having an ideal climate that was constant, and having fertile soil for different kinds of vegetation that would produce a variety of new fresh fruits, herbs and vegetables daily for Adam so that he would never have to search for them.

If there is one word to encapsulate Adam's life, it would be contentment.

In a way, Adam was the first hermit, a monk living alone, who was (and is) close to God, literally and spiritually, and who was filled with gratitude for his gift of life in the flesh every waking moment.  What a life he had!

When God introduced the woman, Adam was merely amused and curious.  She was something new in his life, but not something he had ever desired.  This woman was not created to have sexual relations with Adam and to procreate but as Adam's platonic companion in the Garden of Eden, subordinated to him.

Sadly, this woman did not like what she was created for and was neither faithful to God nor loyal to Adam.  Satan knew this and approached her, seduced her and she gave herself over to the creature.  Satan did not just appear when she was made.  It was always around but never dared to show Itself to Adam to ask him to eat the Forbidden Fruit because It would be unequivocally rejected.  Satan, being proud, could not take a rejection, let alone from a human who was in so many ways inferior in intellect, strength, endurance and appearance to what It used to be, God's most beautiful angel, Lucifer.

What happened next ended the Beginning God created and now utopia exists only in man's imagination.


Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Beginning, The Past, The Present, The Future And The End

The end has to be identical to the beginning because God Who is perfect made the beginning.  Being perfect, the beginning therefore does not require improvement.  After Eve permitted the Satan to enter her, everything that happened since has been a defilement of perfection.  All defilements once completed belong to the past, and all defilements that are currently being executed belong to the present and finally, all defilements that are still in the planning stages belong to the future.  This cycle of defilements will continue until man has fully ruined his existence by intoxicating his environment and by wiping out large populations with bombs at which time the end will arrive, and when it arrives, it will once again be made perfect by God just like it was in the beginning.

The conclusion drawn above is based on the following verses from the Book of Revelations:

1.  “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” [1]

2.  "He said to me: 'It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life.'" [2]

3.  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End." [3]

The modern world has been made convenient by advancements in technology, such as smart phones, immediacy of information and portable entertainment, but such advancements are illusory, and Satan is the best illusionists of all.  It being the master and manipulator of man's future, one that leads not to life but death and man, stupidly, has been deceived by Its illusions yet believes himself to be brilliant, having improved upon the antiquated past providing convenience for the future.

In order to head in the right direction, man must not look toward the future but backward to the beginning when everything was perfect, when there was no need for any kind of advancement, whether in medicine or in technology, since God made everything perfect, including communication so that when one speaks the other will hear regardless of location.  Thus it can be said that smart phones are for stupid people everywhere because they are unable to return to the beginning and re-create God's perfection.

Despite living in a place of perfection, Eve was not satisfied, she being a derivative of Adam, being made from him.  Eve knowing she was not God's first creation, and unwilling to be second to Adam, she wanted to be better, to be just like God, and sold her soul to Satan.  Satan always approaches the proud since pride is Satan's favorite sin.  Eve took Satan's bait and ate the Forbidden Apple.  As soon as she took her first bite, Eve knew that she had been deceived and the difference between good and bad.  Instead of feeling remorseful, she became cunning like her new maker, Satan, and pretended that she knew nothing and that she was innocent and gave the apple to Adam to eat, who did not know that her apple was the Forbidden Apple as opposed to all the other apples in the Garden of Eden. [*]

God punished both Eve and Adam even though Adam in this blogger's opinion, was not to be blamed. [*]  The violation God's only command is not something that can be overlooked or excused by claiming innocence.  The Forbidden Apple, once eaten, cannot be uneaten.  Like the proverbial bell that had been rung, cannot be unrung.  The knowledge acquired from having eaten the Forbidden Apple cannot be unacquired.  Therefore, by knowing good and evil, Adam had to be banished along with Eve from the Garden of Eden.

Eve, this blogger imagines, is one of many brides of Satan and is in Hell together with Satan's male lovers and admirers.  Her eternity is to watch with envy, jealousy, bitterness and wrath her replacement, another woman, the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was far inferior to her by having been born from a womb, who had never seen God, who had been made sinless like her, but who was the opposite of her who chose to be obedient to God, who chose to be humble, who chose to subordinate herself fully to God, whose exceptional beauty, inside and out, had never been seen before or will ever be again seen, who was the Mother of God's only Son, who is attended by Heaven's angels and loved by God.  Eve remains the one and only hand-made daughter of God and she knows it.  Instead of being a beloved daughter of God, sitting next to God in Heaven, she now belongs to Satan, a creature that has no love, and is being casted aside as a nobody, just like all the other souls that It has ruined.  Yet, Eve in her pitiful existence remains proud knowing that she will forever be the only woman God personally created, putting herself in her sick and deluded mind above the Blessed Mother in every way conceivable.  The voice in the mirror on her wall is now on infinite loop: "The Blessed Virgin Mary is the fairest of all," making Eve look uglier every time she asks: "Who is the fairest of all?"  She asks this question incessantly and her present ugliness just about rivals Satan's.

Adam, this blogger thinks, had been saved by his replacement, the new Adam, the only Son of God by His death and subsequent resurrection since Adam was not the one who wanted to be like God.  Therefore, Adam's humility and his acceptance of his place as God's first-made man without wanting to be like God had saved him from eternal Hell.

Man who exists in this world who is fascinated by what the future might hold lives in a fantasy crafted by Satan.  He thinks he has dominion over the earth when in reality Satan has dominion over him.  Those who are blind to God remains in Satan's control and will realize this when the end arrives.  For man to emerge from under Satan's power, he must engage in a constant struggle against Satan without a moment's rest.

When the end arrives, the beginning returns but not all are invited to partake in it.  Those who have irrevocably chosen to allow Satan to enter them, believing that everything is relative, that they can do anything they desire with their abilities, that they can shape the future in accordance with their wishes, will end up existing in their individually perceived future which is in fact an illusion that masks the real entrance to Hell which belongs to Satan, the Destroyer of souls.

It is best therefore not to look toward the future that is Satan's but toward the beginning that belongs to God, leading one back the Creator Who is God.

[*] A later post on September 29, 2018, entitled Free Will And Predestination  contradicts these two statements.  These statements are therefore wrong.  Adam did  know that the "apple" was the "Forbidden Apple."  This blogger apologizes for his errors.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Archbishop Maria Viganò's Voice Of Truth Amidst Sex Scandals

Below is an excerpt of an article entitled UPDATE 3-Former top Vatican official says pope should resign over abuse crisis published by Reuters  on August 26, 2018 [1]:

In a detailed 11-page bombshell statement given to conservative Roman Catholic media outlets during the pope’s visit to Ireland, Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigan[ò] accused a long list of current and past Vatican and U.S. Church officials of covering up the case of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, who resigned last month in disgrace.

In remarkably blunt language, Vigan[ò] said alleged cover-ups in the Church were making it look like “a conspiracy of silence not so dissimilar from the one that prevails in the mafia”.

“Pope Francis has repeatedly asked for total transparency in the Church,” wrote Vigan[ò], who has criticised the pope before.

“In this extremely dramatic moment for the universal Church, his extremely dramatic moment for the universal Church, he must acknowledge his mistakes and, in keeping with the proclaimed principle of zero tolerance, Pope Francis must be the first to set a good example for cardinals and bishops who covered up McCarrick’s abuses and resign along with all of them,” Vigan[ò] said.

Below is quoted from Wikipedia [2], without references:

According to Viganò's [11-page] letter, in 2000, Gabriel Montalvo (then nuncio to the United States) had informed the Vatican of McCarrick's "gravely immoral behaviour with seminarians and priests."[21] Subsequently, Pietro Sambi (nuncio from 2005 to 2011) had informed the Vatican again.[21] In 2006, Viganò -- then working at the Vatican -- wrote his own memo regarding McCarrick.[21] However, nothing was done to stop McCarrick.[21] Finally, in 2008 Viganò wrote a second memo, including material from clerical sexual abuse expert Richard Sipe.[21] As a result, in 2009 or 2010 Pope Benedict XVI placed severe restrictions on McCarrick's movements and public ministry, not allowing him to venture beyond the seminary grounds where he was living and not permitting him to say Mass in public.[21][20] However, according to Viganò, Pope Francis subsequently removed these sanctions and made McCarrick "his trusted counselor", even though Francis "knew from at least June 23, 2013 that McCarrick was a serial predator. He knew that he was a corrupt man, he covered for him to the bitter end."[21][20] Viganò also claimed that McCarrick "orchestrated" the appointments of Blase Cupich as Archbishop of Chicago and Joseph Tobin as Archbishop of Newark.[21][20] In the letter containing these allegations, Viganò called on Francis and all others who covered up McCarrick's conduct to resign.[21][20] Viganò stated: “In this extremely dramatic moment for the universal church, he [Pope Francis] must acknowledge his mistakes and, in keeping with the proclaimed principle of zero tolerance, Pope Francis must be the first to set a good example to cardinals and bishops who covered up McCarrick’s abuses and resign along with all of them. (...) We must tear down the conspiracy of silence with which bishops and priests have protected themselves at the expense of their faithful, a conspiracy of silence that in the eyes of the world risks making the church look like a sect, a conspiracy of silence not so dissimilar from the one that prevails in the mafia.”[25] [Emphasis added.]

One has to wonder why there seems to be no one else within the Catholic Church's hierarchy who is willing to call for the pope's resignation.  Is it because they know better, that Bergoglio who had wanted so bad to be pope and had become pope would only leave the papacy when being forced out or when being carried out in a pine box, or more likely a mahogany and walnut casket, or is it that they are so frightened that Bergoglio who is vindictive will set them out to pasture, not to tend sheep but to be shamed?  Perhaps, in time, a few will have the courage to join Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò and call for Bergoglio to step down.  Perhaps Blase Cupich and Joseph Tobin should also resign.  In the end, probably no one who will but all will have to answer to God soon enough.  Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI was smart enough to have resigned, choosing to spend the rest of his life in prayer.

How one exercises his Free Will in life impacts where he will spend his eternity.  Satan is always generous with its invitations therefore one ought to choose carefully.  Since man's nature had been tainted by Sin, man is therefore vulnerable to Satan's temptations; yet, Christ has given him a way to make reparations through the Sacraments of Penance and Reconciliation.  These are not mindless tasks; they have to be done accompanied by unyielding faith.  In the Gospel of St. Luke, Jesus said to the Samaritan leper, "Arise, go your way: your faith has made you whole." [3]

[3] - King James Version

Friday, August 24, 2018

The Only Good Way For This Catholic Church To Move Away From Its Abominable Sex Scandals Is To Rebuild It

Whatever happened to the vow of chastity?  It must have been replaced by betrayal.  Fidelity to and love of the Lord Christ Jesus have been set aside by the many shepherds who are supposed to guide the flock of lost sheep toward an intimate relationship the Lord.  Instead, enough of them had acted, and would likely continue to act out their homosexual tendencies in ways that are not only immoral but quite possibly criminal as well had their actions not been exposed.

Whatever happened to truth?  It is being covered-up, denied and misrepresented by shepherds of the Catholic Church from the pope down for decades and decades.  Rather than kneeling before the Alter of Sacrifice in the Church to pray and repent, and going to his office to gather up all the files and submit them for review by the public throughout the world, Donald William Wuerl, a ranking member of the Catholic Church, ran to Jones, Day, a prestigious (and expensive) law firm, for cover.  An article published by The National Law Journal  on August 15, 2018, written by Ryan Lovelace, entitled As Sexual Abuse Scandals Mount, DC Cardinal Turns to Jones Day [1] is a worthwhile read.  The name "Cardinal Wuerl" has been excised like a cancerous tumor from North Catholic High School in Cranberry Township, Pennsylvania, [2] and he is no longer to be remembered by a new generation -- it would have been far better off if Donald William Wuerl had never existed at all.

Whatever happened to charity?  The collections and donations that are received by the Catholic Church around the world, should they not be used to aid the needy, as opposed to paying for legal defense?  Does truth require a defense lawyer?  Truth speaks authoritatively -- it does not need representation.  Paying a law firm for legal defense is not charity.  It takes away from the poor and needy.

Whatever happened to the vow of poverty?  If a shepherd of God is truly poor in spirit and is truly without means, there is no place on earth and no time for him to indulge in child pornography, to engage in sex with young boys, seminarians, male escorts and each other.  He would be praying, fasting, doing penance, seeking shelter and begging for alms.

Whatever happened to God?  Is God present in the minds and hearts of these depraved sexual perverts and predators who dress and speak in public as if they were servants of God?  If so, then they probably do not care about their eternity and are not afraid of it.  Like Judas Iscariot, they have rejected Christ's calling and betrayed Christ's trust and love.  Judas hanged himself with a rope; each of these these sexual perverts and predators, and every person who participated in concealing their wrong-doings, is hanging himself with his own string of lies and denials.

Where is Satan in the midst of all these scandals?  It (he) is rejoicing, delighted by its (his) success in ruining souls.

In this blogger's opinion, the Catholic Church must start over.  To do so, it may need to go through a total bankruptcy in order that it may be rebuilt by faithful and holy shepherds dedicated to lead the lost sheep toward an intimate relationship with the Lord. [3]  This opinion may be somewhat extreme, but when so many boys and young men have been made victims of unwanted sex and sexual advances over such a long period linked to the misappropriation of church resources, directly and indirectly, any measure that is not extreme and that lacks transparency will likely be deemed a nuisance and over time, the Catholic Church and those within it, will likely once again return to their regular course business, conducted in secrecy and without accountability, as usual.

As a compromise, every hallway in every building, owned or rented, by the Catholic Church, including monasteries, seminaries and all other living quarters has to be equipped with security cameras for anyone to log in and view at any time from any place in the world, and all suspicious activities are to be anonymously referred to an independent committee for review, allowing for further investigation as necessary, at the completion of which, all evidence and findings are to be uploaded to a website for public access.  Funding for this is to come first from tourism and special events conducted by the Vatican, and then the sale of Vatican art pieces, followed by the sale of Vatican-owned real estate around the world.  Without any irregular activity, sexual and/or financial, the cost of monitoring ought to be minor relative to the Vatican's annual maintenance and expense budget, allowing the Catholic Church to remain intact while starting over without further scandals and without going into bankruptcy.

[3] There is a priest on You Tube, Fr. Mike Schmitz, who said, "Don't leave the Church; lead the Church."  If ordinary Catholics can lead the Catholic Church as saints, then what is the use of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church on which its (and his) very existence depends?  Ordinary Catholics go to church to be led, yet he turns it around and places the burden on them:  While all people should strive to be saints, perhaps Fr. Mike Schmitz ought to say to the pope, to all the cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops and the priests that they are to lead by example, just as Jesus did, by first becoming like Christ themselves.

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

What Is Love?

What is love?  This is a question for the ages.  No ordinary person has been able to answer it definitively, in deeds or in words, since love is subject to individual thought which spoils its purity.  Without an answer to the question posed, this blogger will only record here what has entered his consciousness:

1.  Love is an innate energy that compels one to act.

2.  Love is feeling of longing and belonging.

3.  Love is a perpetual contradiction between the heart and the mind.

4.  Love is an imagination; yet no imagination is rich enough to embrace its magnitude.

5.  Love is a song but no song communicates it fully.

6.  Love is a subject that everyone seems to know; yet love is as elusive as a cool gentle breeze on a hot summer day.

7.  Love is selfishly-owned, a commodity that is quantified, qualified, monetized and traded unfairly.

8.  Love’s nemesis is not hate; it is choice, the choice to abandon love entirely.

9.  Love, when abandoned, leaves a void in the heart that is filled with envy, thievery, jealousy, pride, betrayal, maliciousness and vengeance.

10. Love, in its purest undiluted form usually comes too late, that which is gained from hindsight and filled with regret.

11. Love that is pure is what everyone expects but that no one deserves.

12. Love thrives on trust; those who have no trust do not experience love.

13. Love is painful because it is vulnerable.

14. Love that exists in a lover’s dream is not love; it is self-gratification.

15. Love is giving without benefiting.

16. Love is self-sacrificing in silence without boasting.

17. Love is not derived from conquest but is gained from conciliation.

18. Love is inexhaustible and infinite.

19. Love is life-giving.

20. Love is from God.