Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Hell On Earth

This entry was not part of the plan when the post Heaven On Earth  was written two days ago.  This came about after Crux  published an article dated December 13, 2017, entitled New Vatican news site ready to launch; multimedia plan explained.  It is quoted in part below [1]:

ROME - Before Christmas, the Vatican plans to launch its new multimedia communications website, although the Vatican Radio and Vatican Television Center sites will stay accessible as archives.

Monsignor Dario Vigano, prefect of the Secretariat for Communication, announced Dec. 13 that the new site - - would be launched in beta form “in the coming days.”

The public announcement came the day after Vigano presented the site to Pope Francis and his international Council of Cardinals and explained to the council the progress made in unifying the various Vatican media.

“The cornerstone of the system, fruit of a process of consolidation on an economic and technical level, is represented by the Editorial Multimedia Center,” which will be a single structure responsible for producing audio, text, video and graphics in several languages and for use on a variety of platforms, including the new website and social media.

The Secretariat for Communication’s editorial board will determine how various events and issues are presented and covered.

According to a statement from Vigano, eventually the multimedia center will include about 350 employees drawn from the 40 language programs of the former Vatican Radio and from the nine institutions - the radio, Vatican newspaper, Vatican television production center, Vatican printing press, etc. - that now form part of the secretariat.

The multimedia center will begin its work with 70 people working in six languages: Italian, English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. They will focus on four areas: The pope, the Vatican, the Church and the world.

Greg Burke, director of the Vatican press office, briefed reporters on the meeting of the Council of Cardinals Dec. 11-13, including on Vigano’s report that the new website and production center are simply the “first visible and concrete expression” of the unified approach to communications requested by the pope and cardinals.

More generally, the pope and cardinals discussed “the Curia as an instrument of evangelization and of service to the pope and the local churches,” Burke said. The idea of the “reform of the Roman Curia” is not simply to change structures, “but mentalities.” [Emphasis added.]


Francis formed the Council of Cardinals one month after his election in 2013. The cardinals have been working on ideas for the reform of the Roman Curia, but also advise Francis on a variety of matters regarding church governance. The commission’s next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 26-28.

Is it a coincidence or a preordained outcome in the election of this creature that heads the Vatican?  Just "one month after his election in 2013" the creature "Francis formed the Council of Cardinals" with members that "have been working on ideas for the reform of the Roman Curia, but also advise Francis on a variety of matters regarding church governance." [2]

As much as this blogger wants to believe that the Holy Spirit moves those who are in the conclave in the election of a new pope, the reality seems to be politics that move them in voting for one candidate as opposed to another.  The Holy Spirit can only do so much, giving way to man's Free Will to ignore His gentle yet immense and powerful pervasive presence.

In this blogger's opinion, it is the election of Bergoglio in 2013 that had solidified Satan's presence in the Vatican.  Now with this "new multimedia communications website" that is scheduled to launch before Christmas 2017, the forces of Satan will be better able to consolidate their power and exert influence over the whole of the Catholic Church with uniformity.  This will mark a beginning of Hell's dominion upon the earth, especially when "Greg Burke, director of the Vatican press office" said that "[t]he he idea of the “reform of the Roman Curia” is not simply to change structures, “but mentalities.” [Emphasis added.] [3]

Why do mentalities need to be changed?  Ought the mentalities of the Catholic Church be identical to the teachings of Christ, the Son of God?  Were they changed before and require a change back to the original?  If they were changed previously, then had the teachings of the Catholic Church been in error?  If what had been taught previously had not been in error, then would any change going forward be necessarily erroneous?

Furthermore, it is reported that "[t]he Secretariat for Communication’s editorial board will determine how various events and issues are presented and covered." [4]  Does that mean that the successor of Peter, God's shepherd, is no longer solely responsible for "how issues are presented and covered" since this responsibility will be delegated to a board that will oversee this new website with a "multimedia center [that] will include about 350 employees drawn from the 40 language programs of the former Vatican Radio and from the nine institutions"? [5]

Even if the conclusion above is somewhat broad, the central point is still an unholy delegation of responsibility since "the new website and production center are simply the 'first visible and concrete expression' of the unified approach to communications requested by the pope and cardinals." [Emphasis added.] [6] The troublesome word here is "and" because it is the voice of Peter's successor that is supposed to be infallible, not the consensus reached by Bergoglio and his cardinals.  The "rock" upon which Christ built His church went to Peter alone, not to a partnership between Peter and a handful of other disciples, and certainly not to an association of secondarily (and politically) appointed cardinals.

More troubling are these words taken together, that "the new website and production center are simply the 'first visible and concrete expression' of the unified approach to communications." [Emphasis added.] [7] What else could be next?  Why is the word "visible" used?  Why not just state "first concrete expression" omitting the word "visible"?  Is there a form of "invisible" and concrete expression?  The forces of Evil are invisible.  Should Catholics wait in anticipation that there would be something "invisible and concrete expression" that would be forthcoming?

One could say that angelic forces, the forces that are derived from God, are also invisible except that invisible forces that come from God are not unified under a communication website.  God picks people from everywhere to pray, to love, and with assistance from the angelic realm to spread the joy of being close to Heaven and to bring peace into people's hearts that are receptive to the firmly established communication from Christ to all which can be imagined as structures in the form of a fortress impenetrable by Satan and a path to Heaven, both of which are perfect and eternal and do not require man to reform and change in any way.  Only Satan wants to change them.  When the changes desired by Satan have taken place, Hell would be upon this earth.

[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.

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