Sunday, December 10, 2017

An Additional Thought On The Lord's Prayer

Two days ago, on December 8, an opinion was expressed to leave these words in the Lord's Prayer, "lead us not into temptation" unchanged.  Since the post, another thought supporting this position came to mind, that there could be another way to restate these words, assuming that they even need to be restated, which they do not, which is to substitute the word "lead" with "direct" and the words "not into" with "away from" so that it would read: "direct us away from temptation."  This restatement preserves man's Free Will since Free Will does not necessarily go the way that it is being directed, even if God is the One directing.  However, to change the Lord's Prayer and use the either words "do not let temptation enter" or "do not let us fall into temptation" or similar words to that effect is, again, to take away man's Free Will, as stated previously on December 8, which is contrary to the plan of Creation.

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