Friday, December 8, 2017

Changing Pater Noster - A Contrarian's Viewpoint In Defense Of Tradition

Quoting in part from an article entitled Does God lead us to sin? New French 'Our Father' says no  published by the National Catholic Reporter on December 6, 2017, [1]:

PARISUpdated Dec. 6 4:36 p.m. central time: Pope Francis has also joined in the discussion, telling the Italian Catholic television network TV2000 that "lead us not into temptation" is "not a good translation."

"The French have changed the text and their translation says "don't let me fall into temptation," he said in an interview broadcast on the evening of Dec. 6. (here on YouTube in Italian). "It's me who falls. It's not Him who pushes me into temptation, as if I fell. A father doesn't do that. A father helps you to get up right away. The one who leads into temptation is Satan."

This statement is irrefutable, that God does not push one into temptation, but it is Satan that leads one into temptation.

The original English Our Father, as well as the Latin Pater Noster and the French Notre Père, has these words: "lead us not into temptation" and "ne nos inducas in tentationem" and "ne nous soumets pas à la tentation."

One can choose to interpret these words as man praying to God to not lead man into temptation or subject man to it, as if there is no temptation anywhere and God has devised all the temptations that exist in the world with every intention to lead or subject man to them, or borrowing the pope's word, to "push" man into temptation.

Or, one can choose to interpret these words as man praying to God to not lead man into temptation or subject man to it since temptations have always  been present, from the time of Adam and Eve, to the time when Satan presented to Christ in the desert with three of them [2] to many, many now.  Because temptations are always present, praying to God "to lead us not into temptation,"  in other words, to avoid them, is correct.

Furthermore, praying to God for the strength and the determination to walk away from temptations does not mean asking God to take away one's Free Will.  The Free Will to choose still exists.  Trying to gain fortitude through devotion and prayer to stay away from temptations is a continuous battle because Free Will tends to choose to sin, in particular, the seven deadly ones. [3]

The "new" way to say Our Father and Pater Noster and Notre Père is to pray to God to NOT let man fall into temptation, which is the same as asking God to take away man's Free Will.  Of course, God can answer man's prayer and never allow man to fall into temptation, so that everything will be done in accordance with God's will.  Man would then be perfect, except that man would not be man as God created man to be, one who can choose, but rather one who cannot choose, one who is a robot.

God did not create Adam and Eve to be robots that are immune to temptations.

God gave them the power to choose.  Knowing that evil exists, their descendants have prayed the "old" Our Father, Pater Noster or Notre Père (and in other languages too) to avoid evil and its temptations.  Now, the pope wants man to pray the "new" Our Father and Pater Noster "prayer" to not let man fall into temptations, the snares of the Devil.

This "new prayer" cannot delight Satan more because if God answers this "new prayer," man will forever be changed from one who is given Free Will, just like the fallen angel Lucifer who has Free Will, to one who is without Free Will, who might as well be dead (and in Hell), which is exactly what Satan wants: to destroy man, created in the image of God, in any way it can.

With people in the priesthood holding positions as high as the pope doing Satan's work, Satan must be happy.  This "new" Our Father, Pater Noster and Notre Père "prayer" has to be, ironically, Satan's early Christmas present!

This change, and some others, confirm to this blogger what he long believes to be true, that Satan's influence upon the world and upon those who are in power is growing, and Satan is in the Catholic Church and in the Vatican.  As he sees it, the "new" translation of Our Father, Pater Noster and Notre Père is a Satanic chant, no longer a prayer to God.

Perhaps it is by no mere coincidence that this perversion had started in France, a country that had been blessed with so many saints [4] (including Bernadette Soubirous and Jean-Marie Baptiste Vianney, Curé d'Ars, two of this blogger's favorite) that Satan wants to destroy first, and also by no mere coincidence that it began on "Dec. 3, the first Sunday of Advent" [5] which started "[t]he [2017] Advent season [which is] a time of preparation that directs our hearts and minds to Christ’s second coming at the end of time and also to the anniversary of the Lord’s birth on Christmas," [6] because Satan wants to taint and spoil this season, and every Advent thereafter.  Perversion of the Lord's Prayer did not take place on December 25, because Satan would not dare.  Even though Satan is powerful, it knows its place before God.


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