Monday, December 11, 2017

Heaven On Earth

Where is Heaven on earth?  Is it along the horizon where land and water meet the sky?  Is it on a mountaintop where an occasional cloud brushes against the ground upon which wild flowers are awakened and refreshed by soft breezes of crisp, clean air?  Is it within the gaps not yet occupied by evil, materialism and secularism in a noisy and polluted city?  Or is it hidden in the smiles brought by one to the faces of those abandoned by love, the orphans, the aged and those who are innocent and lonely?  Perhaps Heaven on earth is all of those places.

Perhaps Heaven on earth is less about a location but more about love, for God, the Son of God and the Mother of God, and for one's mother and father who have given one life and who have brought one up under their protection.

Perhaps Heaven on earth is both a location and a love that cannot be separated.  When they are separated, then like a traveler who enjoy seeing places, those are just places on earth, but for someone who has no love, then it matters not where one is, at a place or in some state of mind, that place would be like Hell where love never existed and never will.

But this entry is not about Hell.  Hell is only a point of reference.  Far away from it has to be Heaven on earth, and this blogger wants to know where it is so that he can move there.  He recently told a priest (from inside a confessional of all places) that he wanted to go to such a place.  Calmly, he replied, "There is no Heaven on earth," and that "we take steps to go there."

That was not what this blogger wanted to hear.  Reflecting on this truth that evening, he reacted with sadness, like a young boy disappointed by his parents who would not let him have what he so badly wanted, but he is no longer a boy and is determined to find this place, overlooking, or rather denying the fact that he would probably be living a life of disappointments, but then who lives a life that is free from disappointments?  Not even the Son of God lived a disappointment-free life as man and He was Heaven on earth.

Perhaps Heaven on earth can exist since God exists, and anything is possible with God.  Any reader of this blog who knows of this place or is currently there (assuming that the place has internet access), is welcomed to leave a comment.  As usual, any comment is welcomed, always.

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