Friday, July 28, 2017

The Death Of Freedom

Charlie Gard, born August 4, 2016, [1] died Friday night, London time, on July 28, 2017. [2]  It was "a week before his first birthday." [3]

The death of Charlie Gard is in this blogger's mind the death of freedom in the west, a concept over which so many wars had been and are still being fought and so many lives had been lost and are still being lost.  When it mattered to Charlie, and his parents, the institutions that are creatures of a state had denied them their wishes.

Has the world changed so much that personal freedom is no longer paramount, from spying on the private lives of others by a former world leader, to denying an infant's right to life by denying his right to travel as well as access to medical care?

Man was not created by God as an indentured slave to serve God's will unquestionably in exchange for his life in the flesh; rather, he was created as an individual who is free, free even to reject his very own Creator in favor of the one whose sole purpose is to ruin all of creation that had originated from good, by turning it to bad, to be incinerated in Hell for an eternity.

Those with the power to deny human life, in a myriad of ways, are behaving like the Devil, full of envy with an insatiable appetite for power over all that comes from God, and over God; yet, in a way, they are far worse than the Devil for even the Devil respects man's Free Will given to man by his Creator, by offering him temptations, so that he may choose, albeit they are highly irresistible, but not by imposing upon him edicts, limiting and eliminating his choices.

When a state limits or takes away man's Free Will to live life without trespassing on others in living theirs freely, by laws, court rulings and punitive taxation, freedom is no longer alive.


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