Monday, July 3, 2017

Perspectives On Baby Charlie Gard

A scathing article in the Federalist  dated June 30, 2017, written by Daniel Payne entitled The Vatican’s Statement On UK Baby Condemned To Die Is Frightening  [1] had this to say, quoted in part, with hyperlink included:

The Vatican’s Pontifical Academy for Life yesterday released a statement that waffles between limp-wristed equivocations and outright willful ignorance of church teaching. If this is where the Vatican now makes its stand, then the most vulnerable members of society—which is to say all of us, at some point—are in trouble.

The points that follow the above-quoted paragraph are succinct, easy-to-understand and ultimately convincing.

The Vatican has since changed its position, as reported in an article entitled Pope reverses Vatican stand on British sick baby case  published by Huron Daily Tribune  on July 2, 2017, [2].  In an about-face, this was reported by EWTN News on July 2, 2017 [3]:

“The Holy Father follows with affection and emotion the story of Charlie Gard and expresses his own closeness to his parents,” read a July 2 statement issued by Vatican spokesman Greg Burke.

“He prays for them, wishing that their desire to accompany and care for their own child to the end will be respected.”

In the blogger's opinion, the words above belie the truth. Even with these crafty words, a scintilla of truth has revealed itself in the last part of the second statement, that Bergoglio wished that the parents care for Charlie Gard "to the end" will be respected.  Is the Vatican seeing an "end" that this blogger does not?  With faith and prayers, and medical treatment, this could be a beginning for Charlie Gard.

An article in the guardian  entitled Donald Trump offers help for terminally ill baby Charlie Gard dated July 3, 2017, reported what the specialist in the United States had to say to the British court [4]:

During a hearing at the high court in April, Mr Justice Francis considered evidence from a specialist who would oversee any treatment Charlie had at a hospital in the US.

The specialist, who cannot be named for legal reasons, said therapy would provide a “small chance” of a meaningful improvement in Charlie’s brain function.

He told the court via a telephone link from America: “It may be a treatment, but not a cure. [Charlie] may be able to interact. To smile. To look at objects.”

It is well-known that "a smile is worth a thousand words." For the parents of Charlie Gard, a smile from their son is unquantifiable.  To think that anyone can deny Charlie Gard his smile, and for the Vatican to be indifferent to life speak to the hearts and minds of many powerful individuals whose collective redemptive value is as about close to nil as it can be without their souls having already entered into an eternity with the Devil.

One might ask why did God give to the world Charlie Gard? It is in suffering that Christ is alive, and it is in Christ's sufferings that reveal the black-heartedness of sinners whose hearts do not readily bleed red like the blood of Christ but hardly bleed at all, for their hearts are nearly dead to eternal life.


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