Saturday, July 29, 2017

A Miracle, A Coincidence Or A Hoax?

This blogger was corresponding with a friend who is planning a trip to Europe with a stopover in Portugal.  The first place that he thought he and his mother might wish to consider visiting was Fátima.  Thinking that there might be miracle cures happening on occasion at Fátima, Portugal, as they have been occuring at times at Lourdes, France, he searched the internet for them using these key words: "miracle at fatima 2017" but nothing turned up, except for an link to a blog.  The link was copied and pasted to the e-mail that was sent a few days ago.

Being lazy and not wanting to sign in to look under "sent mail," the same key words were used to do a search, expecting that the same link would show up so that it could be shared with readers of this blog.  It did not, and after clicking "next" a few times at the bottom of the Google search pages, he went to the "sent mail" folder for the link.

Here is the link:

The link goes to the blog MARY'S SECRETARY Just Another Fool of the Immaculata!  The author's name is Jade and under her "About" tab, she stated that "I am entering the convent to hopefully become a nun." [1]  The post is entitled Fatima Miracle in 2017!  That was exactly what this blogger was looking for, but the "supposed" miracle as reported did not occur in Portugal but in Santa Cruz, California.

Jade's post was dated May 11, 2017, the entirety of which is quoted below, with photographs [2]:

With the one hundred year anniversary of Fatima just three short days away, it shouldn’t surprise any faithful Catholic that Our Lady is at work! Some want miracles, or to see Our Lady, I want that too, but you know what I really desire? For Her Immaculate Heart to triumph, just like She promised one hundred years ago to the three children.  “In the end My Immaculate Heart will triump. [sic]”

This little miracle happened in the Santa Cruz, California area where I currently live.  I wasn’t there to witness it, but I wanted to pass along this blog post with the pictures of the sun…and how it seemed to “pulsate” in just a matter of a minute!:

“I just finished photographing the Divine Mercy procession at Our Lady of Peace Shrine in Santa Clara, California, last Sunday, when three hours later, I was intrigued by the sun behind the 32-foot metal statue of Our Lady, pens viewer. It seemed to be pulsating. See the picture comparison below.

The moment I snapped the photo, three children suddenly appeared without me noticing it until later. They were running up the hill and into my view. Also the sun got much bigger. Both pictures were only one minute apart. The first picture without the children and small sun was taken at 6:42 p.m. and the picture with the children and bigger sun was taken at 6:43 p.m. according to the embedded information of the digital images. Looking at this picture, I could not help but be reminded of the dancing sun at Fatima with the three children. Lucia represented by the big girl on the left, Francisco, the little boy in the middle, and Jacinta on the right. All three are seen running towards Our Lady. What a Divine Coincidence, I thought.”

A picture of the shrine itself:

Let’s all run to Mary!

(Below are thoughts contemporaneous with this entry.)

The part in quotation marks above and the photographs were from another blog since Jade said that "[t]his little miracle happened in the Santa Cruz, California area where I currently live.  I wasn’t there to witness it, but I wanted to pass along this blog post with the pictures of the sun..." There was no mention of the name of the photographer or the source from which she obtained them.

A quick search for the source on the internet revealed the same three photographs appearing in an earlier publication by SPIRIT DAILY  dated April 25, 2017, with these words, quoted below without the three photographs [3]:

“I just finished photographing the Divine Mercy procession at Our Lady of Peace Shrine in Santa Clara, California, last Sunday, when three hours later, I was intrigued by the sun behind the 32-foot metal statue of Our Lady,” pens viewer Mike Dial. “It seemed to be pulsating. See the picture comparison below.

“The moment I snapped the photo, three children suddenly appeared without me noticing it until later. They were running up the hill and into my view. Also the sun got much bigger. Both pictures were only one minute apart. The first picture without the children and small sun was taken at 6:42 p.m. and the picture with the children and bigger sun was taken at 6:43 p.m. according to the embedded information of the digital images. Looking at this picture, I could not help but be reminded of the dancing sun at Fatima with the three children. Lucia represented by the big girl on the left, Francisco, the little boy in the middle, and Jacinta on the right. All three are seen running towards Our Lady. What a Divine Coincidence, I thought.”

Second to the last sentence of the first paragraph quoted immediately above reveals the name of the photographer, Mike Dial, to whom the "supposed" miracle appeared.  Mr. Mike Dial did not say to where the three children ran toward other than up a hill and if there was anything specific that was of interest beyond the hill, or if he had subsequently determined to whom the three children belonged.

A next search on the internet revealed that Mr. Mike Dial had on another occasion took a picture of an unusual looking star that was reported to have moved and then stood still above the Divine Mercy statue "on August 25, 2004 at around 1:00 PM" [4] at Divine Mercy Hills in El Salvador, Misamis Oriental, Philippines [5], and that Mr. Dial is "a balikbayan from Sacramento, California." [6]  [Note: before clicking on the link provided in footnote [4] and [6], please be forewarned that on the left side of the address bar appear the words "Not secure."]

It is up to the reader to decide whether the photographs taken by Mr. Dial in Santa Cruz, California, that seemed to parallel in some ways the event at Fátima, Portugal, that took place some 100 years ago were evidence of a miracle, or merely a coincidence or simply a hoax.


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