Monday, July 24, 2017

A Prayer For A Smile

BBC News  published an article in the early morning of July 25, 2017, indicating that Chris Gard and Connie Yates have "ended the case after a US doctor told them it was now too late to treat Charlie's rare genetic condition." [1]  Nobody knows the future of Charlie Gard, but the likelihood that he would leave the world in peace is greater than the world seeing a miracle cure, but that does not mean one cannot pray for Charlie to give his parents a hint of a smile before he departs from this world and goes to Heaven.

The delay tactics being employed by everyone who has anything to do with Charlie Gard preventing him from receiving immediate treatment across the Atlantic are apparent, but it is what it is, and may those whose decisions and actions that have brought a life to this stage with undue deliberations find in their respective futures the opportunity to find God in their lives and repent lest they themselves be met with their own respective measures of mercilessness when they are at the mercy of others when they themselves become infirm and when they are before God at the gates of eternity.

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