Thursday, February 2, 2017

Who Is Right - The Group Of German And Maltese Bishops Or German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller?

On February 2, 2017, the National Catholic Register  reported that "[t]he German bishops have published their own guidelines on Amoris Laetitia allowing, in certain cases, for divorced-and-remarried Catholics to receive Communion," and that "[t]he decision by the German bishops’ conference comes on the heels of a similar announcement made by the bishops of Malta." [1]

According to, the German bishops' guidelines were issued on "Feb. 1". [2]  It was in the same article entitled Vatican's Muller: No Communion For Divorced, Remarried -- Not Even a Pope Can Change This, dated February 1, 2017, that German Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller [3], who is the "prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican," was reported to have insisted that "divorced and remarried couples must live in continence, as brother and sister, if they want to receive Communion at Mass and this teaching cannot change -- not by a Pope, an angel, a council of bishops, 'no power on Heaven or on Earth.'" [4]

The fact that there are fundamental doctrinal disagreements at the highest levels of the Catholic Church is no longer newsworthy, for it has become painfully clear that the Bergolio papacy was instituted to abolish traditional Catholicism so that a new no-Hell, all-is-forgiven religion of merciful relativism and secularism can arise, one that primarily focuses on social issues and the alleviation of poverty by means of wealth redistribution, so long as the "have-nots" do not come knocking on the locked doors of the Vatican begging for necessities because Bergolio has exempted himself from any work of mercy unless it is for show.


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