Friday, February 3, 2017

Almost Agreeing With Liberal Austrian Cardinal Schönborn  has on its website on January 31, 2017, an article entitled Cardinal Schönborn Reproaches Christians.  It is quoted below in its entirety [1]:

In an interview with the Austrian newspaper Kronen Zeitung on December 31, that was republished by I.Media  on January 3, Cardinal Christoph Schönborn declared that we can’t “blame the Muslims for wanting to make Europe Muslim.” Quite the opposite, the archbishop of Vienna claimed, “we should rather reproach ourselves for doing nothing to maintain a Christian Europe.”

He then admitted candidly: “I am happy that the Muslims can practice their religion freely with us, but I also wish that Christians could practice their religion in the same way in Muslim countries.”

It is not often that this blogger agrees with the liberal cardinal but he is in complete accord with the statements the Austrian cardinal made above with the provisos that the "Christian Europe" referred to by the cardinal is not the one in Bergolio's mind, but rather the one in San Francesco d'Assisi's mind, and that the Muslims practice their religion in mosques and not in Catholic churches and that Roman Catholics practice their religion in Catholic churches and not in mosques.

Cardinal Schönborn spoke of the failure of the Vatican to maintain a Christian Europe, but omitted to point out its failure to maintain a Christian America by turning a blind eye to priests that abuse children [2] and allowing them to continue serving without having to suffer any immediate consequence, and the ones that came, came too late, allowing infamy to irreparably sully the reputation of Catholic Church and Catholic priests in general, and causing many Catholic dioceses in the United States, "[s]tretching from Delaware to Alaska", to file for bankruptcy as a result of lawsuits [3].

The utter failure for the Vatican to protect God's children and the sanctity of Christ's church is not for man to forgive but for God to judge.  For Team Bergolio to now attempt to liberalize the Catholic church is to add salt to the wound.

Recently, rather than talking about being true disciples of Christ, and how blessed they have been to be called to follow the footsteps of the Apostles as "fishers of men" [4] and about the attention they pay to their parishioners, the kind of loving and undivided attention that is only possible between sheep and an unmarried shepherd, "[e]leven retired priests from Germany have called for an end to celibacy." [5]  Since that statement was made by the priests on or about January 17, 2017, (the date the sentence quoted above was published), Bergolio has remained silent, a silence that speaks volumes on the exceptional failures of Bergolio's papacy.

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