"The men, in their early- and mid-twenties, had attended some of Bangladesh's top schools and universities, according to classmates who identified them on social media." [2] As to how such men who could otherwise be potentially promising citizens of society could become radicalized to such an extreme, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan said: "'It has become a fashion.'" [3]
If killing is a fashion, then the contemporary fashion designer could very well have been a bellicose former president. "Just after explosions began to rock Baghdad, Iraq's capital, [he] announced in a televised address, 'At this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early states of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.' [He] and his advisors built much of their case for war on the idea that Iraq, under dictator Saddam Hussein, possessed or was in the process of building weapons of mass destruction." [4]
Is the world no longer in grave danger as promised after the killing of Saddam Hussein, or has it become even more unpredictable and dangerous? Perhaps the decider of the 2003 Iraq war who like the Bangladeshi killers also came from wealth and was educated at one of the top schools in his country, has the best insight in answering this question, more than anyone else on the planet, after having time to examine his conscience which hopefully has not been permanently shrouded by pride, Satan's favorite sin [5], and perhaps layers of anger and greed as well.
Man's conscience rests in the truth. Those who deny the truth denies God. It does not matter which side or what religion, those who kill, who give orders to kill and who build and supply the weapons of destruction, whether it is for mass destruction or localized destruction, reject God.
One might ask if Osama bin Laden ought to have been killed. Many would say yes. In the end, did his death make a difference? In the end, did the many subsequent bombings and the death of this new jihadist leader and that new jihadist leader make a difference? This blogger thinks not [6].
Only the deaths of Original Sin and its progeny can make a difference in the advancement of civilization, but man is so attached to his sins that eliminating them would be unthinkable. Those who believe that this candidate and that candidate, if given the political power to rule, would make the world a better place than it is now suffers under a delusion. Overall, man is happy to be living in an illusion in denial of God and in denial of God's eternal Truths. Life is a lot easier that way.
And it is easy for other young and impressionable men of Bangladesh to live unthinking lives, or live their lives thinking that they can be just as irresponsible as those who have the power to kill without having to answer for the consequences of their actions in this life, even though it would be a different story at the Gates of Hell.
[1] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-3673389/Bangladeshi-rich-kids-grew-jihadists.html
[2] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/03/dhaka-isil-terrorists-were-drawn-from-well-eduated-bangladeshi-e/
[3] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-3673389/Bangladeshi-rich-kids-grew-jihadists.html
[4] http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/war-in-iraq-begins
[5] https://churchpop.com/2015/09/09/spanish-exorcist-reveals-satans-favorite-sin/
[6] Unlike major wars of the past when armed men belonged to a certain nation, and were fairly easily identified by their uniform, their weapons and the language they spoke, this current conflict is different. Up-risers can be virtually any nationality, live in every neighborhood around the world and own generic weapons. In contrast to the non-profit group Médecins Sans Frontières ("MSF") that saves lives, the modern jihadists can be said to have a non-profit group that kills, an unincorporated alliance of random actors that could very well be called Terrorists Without Borders because they are free to travel and Terrorists Within Borders just as aptly because their targets are local.
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