"On All Saints’ Day last year, he wrote in the parish newsletter: 'Do not think holiness is not for us.' He told parishioners that holiness did not necessarily mean 'doing extraordinary things', but could mean living a simple existence like that of the Martin family.
"Noting that Louis and Zélie Martin, the parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux, had recently been beatified, Fr Hamel said: 'Their life was simple, like many of our families. But their whole existence was oriented towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Their only desire was "to serve God first".
"'They experienced painful circumstances, but they stayed the course through their faith, which was nourished by the sacraments and prayer, the service of the poor and self-abandonment to a God who never ceases to support us.'
"By our baptism, said Fr Hamel, 'we are sons and daughters of God. It is by living this relationship, day by day, that we become saints.'
"Fr Hamel was said to be a quiet man, a priest widely liked for his gentleness and constant availability. 'He was always serving people,' one parishioner told L’Express.
"In an Easter reflection earlier this year, Fr Jacques said that Jesus 'went to the end of love' by dying, and quoted John 15:13: 'Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.'
"Fr Hamel was given the chance to retire at the usual age of 75, but decided that (partly because of the priest shortage) he ought to carry on [with his priestly duties, helping out his fellow priest, Father Auguste Moanda-Phuati [2], and serving the parishioners of Saint-Etienne [3].]" [4]
On Tuesday, July 26, 2016, Fr. Jacques Hamel himself "went to the end of love" and laid down his life for his friends. [5], [6]
[1] http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36898130
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.
[4] http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/commentandblogs/2016/07/27/do-not-think-holiness-is-not-for-us-a-profile-of-fr-jacques-hamel/
[5] http://www.france24.com/en/20160726-profile-france-priest-killed-group-attack-jacques-hamel
[6] http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/27/world/europe/normandy-france-church-attack.html?_r=0
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