Sunday, July 24, 2016

Is This Pope A Roman Catholic Or A Secular Deceiver?

What an absurd question to ask, let alone make it a title for an entry in this blog!

Of course this pope is Roman Catholic.  Look at what he wears (a white cassock and a white zucchetto) and where he lives (Vatican City), the title he has (Pope) and all the power that goes with the papacy.  Do papal power, title, address and clothing necessarily make one Roman Catholic?  Most would say yes other than those who imagine that the entity occupying the spirit of the head of the Roman Catholic Church to be the Antichrist, the Deceiver-in-Chief.

The Antichrist is not Roman Catholic, even though it believes (it actually knows) like "Roman Catholics believe [that the Roman Catholic Church is] the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church, possessing all the properties of the one, true church of Christ." [1]  This blogger does not think this pope is possessed by the Antichrist, not at the moment: he simply is not powerful enough.  After all, his papacy which began less than 2½ years ago on March 13, 2013, [2] is still in its infancy compared to the nearly 26-year papacy of JP2, [3] from Poland, a country this pope is planning to visit, from "July 27-31 in connection with the World Youth Day (WYD) [2016] to be held in Krakow." [4]

"Just days before Pope Francis' visit to Poland a Vatican statement has denounced an 'artificially created fear of Muslims' which it says is being fed by some political parties in the country. " [5]
"These fears, Fr [Pawel] Rytel-Andrianik explains, are due to a lack of public debate, complicated migration procedures and no public programme of teaching people in the country Polish about diversity of religion, race and culture." [6]

Why would a Roman Catholic pope bemoan a country that in accordance with the Pew Research Center is 92.2% Catholic, [7]  "[with] 41 Roman Catholic Dioceses ... [comprising] about 10,000 parishes and religious orders ... [serving] 37 million Catholics"? [8]  Why not congratulate the Catholics in Poland for not becoming secularized atheists like the citizens of Sweden and the Czech Republic (the least religious countries after China) [9]? 

Instead of chastising Poland, why not issue statements that castigate leaders in countries where Christians, of which Catholics are a subset, suffer "extreme persecution" like "North Korea, Iraq, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Iran," according to OpenDoorsUSA [10]? Why not go to these countries and celebrate World Youth Day with the handful of young Catholics suffering persecution?  Is he a coward?  Is he only loud when he speaks to the weak but cowers before those who would be happy to kill him?

Jesus was not a coward, nor was Peter.  Both were in the middle of nonbelievers' territories.  Both were crucified.  This pope would only dare to be in the midst of those who support him, and only after they had been screened by security.  Why would a pope need security?  Would God not send angels to protect him?  Does this pope not have faith in God?  Perhaps he is not entirely a believer, and not Roman Catholic.  Since when has the Roman Catholic church embraced "diversity of religion" [11]?  And when will this pope start to include the worship of idols [12] and Satan [13] as religions to be embraced for the sake of religious diversity?  

Let this entry end with the question that began it: Is this pope a Roman Catholic or a secular deceiver?

[6] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.

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