Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Politics, Poll And The Pope

"[A] recent local poll revealed that Francis -- the former Jorge Mario Bergolio, archbishop of Buenos Aires -- has tumbled from the first to the ninth most 'trustworthy Argentine' in just two years." [1]   It is hard to imagine that this pope's trustworthiness would fall in his own country of Argentina being the hypocrite that he is, that he could be deemed trustworthy in the first place.  This blogger has never liked this pope, from the moment he ascended to the throne of Peter and chose to name himself Francis after Saint Francis of Assisi, his first act of hypocrisy as pope. [2]

Not only is this pope losing trust in Argentina, he is also losing his base.  An article written in January, 2016, reported that "[i]n 2015, more than 3.2 million pilgrims visited and attended papal events, liturgies or prayer services at the Holy See, the Vatican said at the end of December.  That was a sharp drop from the 5.9 million visitors received by Pope Francis in 2014.  And it was less than half of the 6.6 million pilgrims who visited the Vatican during the first nine-and-a-half months of his pontificate in 2013." [3]  There could be different reasons for the 50% drop but could one of them be the pope's brand of politics and hypocrisy?  Unless a miracle takes place at the Vatican, this blogger would not be surprised to see the numbers of pilgrims continue to decline slowly over the years.

[2] There is no proof whatsoever but in the mind's eye of this blogger, it had envisioned that this pope had a sordid past, details of which he will keep to himself because his mind's eye does not really see, it just senses, more often than not inaccurately.

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