Saturday, July 30, 2016

Common Ground: Where The Pope And IS Agree

"Seven months after ["the conquest of Rome [in] 2020"] , [members of IS] claim [that] the antichrist will come and the stage will be set for the final battle in Israel," [1] probably somewhere in and around Armageddon. [2]  "'It’s important to note that during this time period, Christianity and the Pope in the Vatican will be fully engulfed by the Zionist system,' ISIS wrote in 'Black Flags from Palestine,' predicting that the jihadists can slyly win allies in Europe among those who oppose Israel or the Catholic Church." [3]

Somewhat differently, the pope on his way back from his 2015 trip to Manila, "went out of his way to invoke an apocalyptic 1907 novel by an English convert from Anglicanism called 'Lord of the World.' The novel lays out a dystopic vision of a final conflict between secular humanism and Catholicism, with the showdown taking place on the fields of Armageddon." [4]

Although both IS and the pope anticipate a conflict, IS sees it to be between those belonging to the Zionist system and those who oppose Israel and the Catholic Church, whereas the pope saw it in 2015 to be between secularism and Catholicism.  He might have changed his mind since the murder of Fr. Jacques Hamel when he said "'[i]t’s war, we don’t have to be afraid to say this … a war of interests, for money, resources. I am not speaking of a war of religions. Religions don’t want war. The others want war.'" [5]

What the pope meant by "a war of interests" was as vague to this blogger as it was to Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith who wrote the article, published by the Catholic Herald, asking if this current conflict was parallel to the Northern Ireland conflict in the 1970's where "it was commonly averred that the Troubles were only coincidentally a religious conflict, but were in fact a conflict that sprang from entrenched social inequalities." [6]

"Can we say that contemporary Islamist terrorism is rooted in social and economic inequalities? It must be true that social and economic inequalities do not help, and that in a country like France the Muslim community feels itself to be somehow excluded from national life. This seems to be beyond question. The sort of young men who are drawn to terrorism are clearly not integrated into society; if they were, they might have found better things to do with themselves. 
"But this raises the major question: are they not integrated because their religion prevents them from integrating into the French mainstream? This is the question that needs to be confronted: is the link between terrorism and Islam merely extrinsic or is it intrinsic?" 
"The Pope’s words on the plane seem to indicate that there is something 'behind' ISIS, and seem to be at one with the usual Italian idea of dietrologia or 'the facts behind the facts': in other words, someone or something is 'behind' ISIS, and ISIS is a front for some other movement. But there is no evidence that this is the case. 
"Perhaps we should face up to the alternative, namely, that ISIS is serious about its stated aims, and it is what it says it is: the caliphate in arms, an attempt to resurrect the supposed state of affairs that existed in the 7th century. In other words, its inspiration comes from inside Islam (albeit a rather recondite current in Islam) and nor [sic] from outside it. 
"But this brings into question the other thing the Pope asserts: 'This is not a war of religions.' It is, albeit only on one side." [7]

Perhaps the reasons "behind" the rise of ISIL are both extrinsic and intrinsic.  An extrinsic reason besides those that are economic could be the reluctance of the French to absorb the culture of Islam thereby changing irrevocably what it means to be "French."  An intrinsic reason besides the innate difficulty in abandoning one's culture for a completely new set of behavior [8] (like speaking a foreign language with no grammatical error and no accent) could be what Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith had alluded to, that IS is waging a jihad, a Muslim holy war against non-believers.

Whether this conflict is religious or secular in nature is still being decided but not where the final showdown will take place: on the preordained grounds of Armageddon.

[6] Ibid.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Behaviors new to Muslims include acceptance of gay marriage ( and transgenderism ( which the pope, and Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith too (as a Catholic priest, he has to), like their Muslim brethren, reject. See and (Vatican against gay marriage). See (Vatican against transgenderism).

Thursday, July 28, 2016

A Stupid & Unfunny Satire

This blogger came upon the libretto for "Mira, o Norma," a duet written by Vincenzo Bellini for his opera, Norma.  The duet sung by mezzo-soprano Marilyn Horne and soprano Joan Sutherland is available on You Tube [1].  

Libretto in Italian: [2]

Mira, o Norma, a' tuoi ginocchi
Questi cari tuoi pargoletti!
Ah! Pietade di lor ti tocchi,
Se non hai di te pietà!
Ah! Perchè, perchè la mia costanza
Vuoi scemar con molli affetti?
Più lusinghe, ah, più speranza
Presso a morte un cor non ha!
Mira questi cari pargoletti,
Questi cari, ah, li vedi, ah!
Mira, o Norma, a' tuoi ginocchi,
questi cari tuoi pargoletti,
Ah! Pietade di lor ti tocchi,
Se non hai di te pieta! ecc
Ah! Perchè, ah! Perchè la vuoi scemar?
Ah! Perchè, perchè la mia costanza
Vuoi scemar con molli affetti?
Più lusinghe, ah, più speranza
Presso a morte un cor non ha!
Cedi! Deh, cedi!
Ah! Lasciami! Ei t'ama.
Ei già sen pente.
E tu?
L'amai. Quest'anima
Sol l'amistade or sente.
O giovinetta! E vuoi?
Renderti i dritti tuoi,
O teco al cielo agli uomini
Giuro celarmi ognor.
Sì. Hai vinto. Abbracciami.
Trovo un'amica amor.
Sì, fino all'ore estreme
Compagna tua m'avrai.
Per ricovrarci insieme
Ampia è la terra assai.
Teco del fato all'onte
Ferma opporrò la fronte,
Finchè il tuo core a battere
Io senta sul mio cor, sì.

English translation: [3]

JURJ [4], [5]
See, [o Sama], at you knees
these dear little children of yours! [poor innocent children [6] trained to be killers]
Ah! Let pity for them touch you,
if you do not have pity for yourself!
SAMA [7]
Ah! Why do you want to weaken
my steadfastness with sweet affection?
A heart near death [cannot ever again be the son of his billionaire father [8] and enjoy the luxuries of life]
has no more illusions, no more hope!
See these dear little children,
these dear ones, ah, see them, ah!
See, [o Sama], at your knees
these dear little children of yours!
Ah! Let pity for them touch you,
if you do not have pity for yourself, etc
Ah! Why do you want to weaken it?
Ah! Why? Ah! With sweet affection,
do you want to weaken my steadfastness
A heart near death
has no more illusions, no more hope!
Give way! Ah, give way!
Ah! Leave me! He loves you. [He: Mohammad]
He already regrets it. [Because Jurj said his god told him to invade Iraq when it was actually Mohammad who told him!]
And you?
I loved him. But my soul
now feels only friendship.
O [man]! and what do you want?
To restore your rights to you,
or else I swear to conceal myself
from heaven and mankind with you forever [there is only one place to hide eternally from heaven and from earth (these words could be prophetic)]
Yes. You have won. Embrace me
I have found my friend again.
Yes, until our last hours,
you will have me as your companion.
To shelter us, to shelter us together
the earth is wide, is wide enough.
With you I will face
the affronts of destiny,
as long as I feel your heart
beating over my own.

The entire audience tears up, gives a standing ovation and claps when the two men in a "bromantic" embrace finish the song in unison and in euphony.  As the curtain comes down on the proscenium and closes the show, both of them disappear behind a row of fire-lit torches and theatrical smoke as they take their final bow holding hands that drip a liquid that has the color and consistency of human blood.

[1] (short version); (long version, from approximately 33:52 to the end); (another long version)
[3] Ibid.
[4] Blogger's translation of ADALGISA
[6] Al-Qaeda - (2008);
Al-Qaeda/Taliban - (2013);
ISIS/Taliban - (2015)
[7] Blogger's translation of NORMA

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Fr. Jacques Hamel's Final Act Of Love Before Dying

"In an Easter reflection earlier this year, Fr Jacques said that Jesus 'went to the end of love' by dying, and quoted John 15:13: 'Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.'" [1]

Fr. Jacques' final act of love began after the attackers forced Fr. Jacques to his knees.  "A nun, who identified herself as Sister Danielle, said she was in the church at the time.  They forced [Fr Hamel] to his knees. He wanted to defend himself, and that's when the tragedy happened [(they slit his throat [2])]," she told French media." [3]

Self-defense is an instinct, not an act of love.  After Fr. Hamel was forced to his knees by the attackers, one of them 19 years old [4], the 85-year old priest [5] knew he was overpowered, if he did not already know when the struggle began.  In the first moment of the unexpected attack, Fr. Jacques did want to defend himself, as the nun correctly observed, as anyone naturally would.  However, as soon the attackers applied additional force upon him, Fr. Jacques knew his fate.  Yet, he continued to fend off his attackers. That he did not do thinking that he would be successful in defending himself; he had done so out of love, to distract his attackers to allow those still in the church time to leave safely.  One of them was Sister Danielle.  "She said she managed to flee as they were preparing to kill him." [6]

Out of love, Fr. Jacques said Mass on his last day to save souls, and out of love, he saved lives with every last bit of strength he could muster to struggle against his attackers as he was being killed, allowing time for those who attended his last Mass to escape unharmed. [7]

[7] There is one other person who was injured during the attack.  That person is no longer in life-threatening condition.  See

A Tribute To Fr. Jacques Hamel (1930-2016)


"On All Saints’ Day last year, he wrote in the parish newsletter: 'Do not think holiness is not for us.' He told parishioners that holiness did not necessarily mean 'doing extraordinary things', but could mean living a simple existence like that of the Martin family. 
"Noting that Louis and Zélie Martin, the parents of St Thérèse of Lisieux, had recently been beatified, Fr Hamel said: 'Their life was simple, like many of our families. But their whole existence was oriented towards the Kingdom of Heaven. Their only desire was "to serve God first". 
"'They experienced painful circumstances, but they stayed the course through their faith, which was nourished by the sacraments and prayer, the service of the poor and self-abandonment to a God who never ceases to support us.' 
"By our baptism, said Fr Hamel, 'we are sons and daughters of God. It is by living this relationship, day by day, that we become saints.' 
"Fr Hamel was said to be a quiet man, a priest widely liked for his gentleness and constant availability. 'He was always serving people,' one parishioner told L’Express. 
"In an Easter reflection earlier this year, Fr Jacques said that Jesus 'went to the end of love' by dying, and quoted John 15:13: 'Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.'
"Fr Hamel was given the chance to retire at the usual age of 75, but decided that (partly because of the priest shortage) he ought to carry on [with his priestly duties, helping out his fellow priest, Father Auguste Moanda-Phuati [2], and serving the parishioners of Saint-Etienne [3].]" [4]

On Tuesday, July 26, 2016, Fr. Jacques Hamel himself "went to the end of love" and laid down his life for his friends. [5], [6]

[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"A Chilly Reception"

"Pope Francis is set to arrive Wednesday [July 27, 2016] in Poland, but the homeland of Saint Pope John Paul not rolling out the red carpet for the pontiff whose social agenda has alienated many in the conservative nation. ...'The Pope, an inconvenient guest,' was the headline on an article earlier this month in Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland’s largest circulation newspaper. ...Polish bishops circulated a letter publicizing the event that was read in churches throughout the nation on July 3. The letter praised the late Pope John Paul II three times, yet made no mention of Pope Francis." [1]  Ouch!

Perhaps a double "ouch" is in order since it was this pope who canonized JP2 as a saint.  Although there seems to be no record of any saint having been officially de-canonized, some, like St. Christopher, had been removed from the liturgical calendar. [2]

Perhaps there ought to be a first de-canonization of a saint, and JP2, in this blogger's opinion, ought to be a candidate for consideration because the supposed "miracles" attributed to his sainthood are, in this blogger's opinion, suspect.  There is no conclusive evidence that the diagnosis of each of the affliction was accurate and if accurate, that the healing of each affliction was permanent, because the two individuals claiming they had been healed are supposedly still living, one of whom is a nun.  Writing for the guardian  on March 5, 2010, reporter John Hooper stated that "according to the Polish daily newspaper Rzeczpospolita, one of the doctors charged with scrutinising the nun's case believed she might have been suffering from a similar nervous disease, not Parkinson's, which could go into sudden remission. A report on the paper's website went further, saying that the 49-year-old nun had become sick again with the same illness." [3]

Being kind to guests is a gracious thing to do, especially one as powerful as the pope, who supposedly has the ability to de-canonize a saint if subsequent events confirm that one or more of the miracles that was relied upon for the saint's canonization could no longer be deemed miraculous. [4]

[4] To keep persons with dubious intercessory powers as canonized saints is to perpetrate fraud against all faithful Catholics and to insult all the true saints in Heaven by lumping them together with the fakes as one every time the Apostle's Creed is said, quoted in part: "I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting." [Emphasis added.]  See  Is there a true saint anywhere who would enjoy being associated with a false saint whose halo and title of "Saint" had been tainted by politics, conspiracy and deceit?

Violence Hit Too Close To Home For The Pope And For Catholics

For the first time, the Catholic church is no longer a place that is sacrosanct in the eyes of the Islamic State.  On July 26, 2016, "attackers entered the church in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray during Mass, taking the priest, Fr Jacques Hamel, 84, and four other people hostage. ... The Amaq news agency, linked to so-called Islamic State, said 'two IS soldiers' had carried out the attack. ... Police sources said it appeared the attackers had slit the priest's throat with a knife." [1]

"Pope Francis is horrified and shocked by an attack in a church in Rouen, in northern France, where a priest was slain and another hostage was seriously wounded.
"A statement released by Fr Federico Lombardi, Director of the Holy See Press Office said: 'we are particularly shocked because this horrible violence took place in a Church, in which God’s love is announced, with the barbarous killing of a priest and the involvement of the faithful'.
"Fr Lombardi also said the Pope shares the pain and the horror caused by this absurd violence and expresses firm condemnation of every form of hatred and prays for the victims." [2]

So the pope was horrified and shocked, the same pope who criticized Poland for its lack of "diversity of religion, race and culture." [3]  France has diversity.  In Rouen, there was definitely diversity of religion (the IS killers in Rouen were presumably not Catholic) and diversity of culture (the IS culture of hate and violence versus the Catholic culture of peace), as demonstrated by the heinous killing [4].  Why should this pope be horrified and shocked? Is that not what he wanted: diversity of religion and of culture?

Is God encouraging diversity of religion and culture in Heaven?  This blogger thinks not.  There is only one faith in Heaven and that is faith in God, and there is only one culture in Heaven and that is the culture of unconditional love.  This pope, apparently, does not seem to want God's will to be done on earth and it is in Heaven.

The creature in the Vatican may be the pope, but he speaks more like a secular politician than a Holy Father.  If this pope practices what he preaches and does not mind smelling like the sheep he is shepherding [5], then he ought to be saying Mass in a Catholic church without  any security.  This blogger is almost certain that he does not care to smell like sheep because he, like any ordinary man, fears being killed.  Yet, he will almost certainly not be asking the faithful to stay home and pray instead of attending Mass, even though they, unlike him, do not have free lifetime security protection.


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Is This Pope A Roman Catholic Or A Secular Deceiver?

What an absurd question to ask, let alone make it a title for an entry in this blog!

Of course this pope is Roman Catholic.  Look at what he wears (a white cassock and a white zucchetto) and where he lives (Vatican City), the title he has (Pope) and all the power that goes with the papacy.  Do papal power, title, address and clothing necessarily make one Roman Catholic?  Most would say yes other than those who imagine that the entity occupying the spirit of the head of the Roman Catholic Church to be the Antichrist, the Deceiver-in-Chief.

The Antichrist is not Roman Catholic, even though it believes (it actually knows) like "Roman Catholics believe [that the Roman Catholic Church is] the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church, possessing all the properties of the one, true church of Christ." [1]  This blogger does not think this pope is possessed by the Antichrist, not at the moment: he simply is not powerful enough.  After all, his papacy which began less than 2½ years ago on March 13, 2013, [2] is still in its infancy compared to the nearly 26-year papacy of JP2, [3] from Poland, a country this pope is planning to visit, from "July 27-31 in connection with the World Youth Day (WYD) [2016] to be held in Krakow." [4]

"Just days before Pope Francis' visit to Poland a Vatican statement has denounced an 'artificially created fear of Muslims' which it says is being fed by some political parties in the country. " [5]
"These fears, Fr [Pawel] Rytel-Andrianik explains, are due to a lack of public debate, complicated migration procedures and no public programme of teaching people in the country Polish about diversity of religion, race and culture." [6]

Why would a Roman Catholic pope bemoan a country that in accordance with the Pew Research Center is 92.2% Catholic, [7]  "[with] 41 Roman Catholic Dioceses ... [comprising] about 10,000 parishes and religious orders ... [serving] 37 million Catholics"? [8]  Why not congratulate the Catholics in Poland for not becoming secularized atheists like the citizens of Sweden and the Czech Republic (the least religious countries after China) [9]? 

Instead of chastising Poland, why not issue statements that castigate leaders in countries where Christians, of which Catholics are a subset, suffer "extreme persecution" like "North Korea, Iraq, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan and Iran," according to OpenDoorsUSA [10]? Why not go to these countries and celebrate World Youth Day with the handful of young Catholics suffering persecution?  Is he a coward?  Is he only loud when he speaks to the weak but cowers before those who would be happy to kill him?

Jesus was not a coward, nor was Peter.  Both were in the middle of nonbelievers' territories.  Both were crucified.  This pope would only dare to be in the midst of those who support him, and only after they had been screened by security.  Why would a pope need security?  Would God not send angels to protect him?  Does this pope not have faith in God?  Perhaps he is not entirely a believer, and not Roman Catholic.  Since when has the Roman Catholic church embraced "diversity of religion" [11]?  And when will this pope start to include the worship of idols [12] and Satan [13] as religions to be embraced for the sake of religious diversity?  

Let this entry end with the question that began it: Is this pope a Roman Catholic or a secular deceiver?

[6] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.

Friday, July 22, 2016

No Sound Of Music From The Vatican

Do not expect this pope to romanticize the plight of the refugees attempting to enter Switzerland from Italy.  On July 22, 2016, The Telegraph  posted this article, quoted, in part, below:

"In the first six months of the year there have been more than 14,000 illegal entries, or attempted entries, into Switzerland.  Migrants who are caught are sent back to Italy. 
"Tighter controls on the trains that run between the two countries means that some are resorting to hiking remote trails through the mountains in a bid to evade Italian and Swiss authorities. 
"That can be arduous in the summer but will become much more dangerous in the winter, when snow covers the mountains." [1]

It would not be his style to be singing "Climb Every Mountain" at the top of his lungs for today's refugees like Mother Abess had sung at the top of hers [2] while the von Trapp family was crossing from Austria into Switzerland in the musical, The Sound of Music:

"Climb every mountain,
Search high and low,
Follow every byway,
Every path you know. 
"Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
'Till you find your dream. 
"A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life
For as long as you live. 
"Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream 
"A dream that will need
All the love you can give,
Every day of your life,
For as long as you live. 
"Climb every mountain,
Ford every stream,
Follow every rainbow,
Till you find your dream." [3]

And it would certainly be inappropriate for such a song with those lyrics because the dreams of refugees have largely become nightmares, should they be fortunate enough to live long enough to experience them --  "[s]o far this year, nearly 3,000 migrants and refugees have died in the Mediterranean – a dramatic increase on the 1,870 who died last year." [4]

Instead of a song, the pope "[had on June 22, 2016,] invited a dozen refugees to join him on the steps of St. Peter’s Basilica for his general audience to press his demand for Europe to welcome more migrants." [5]

"A dozen men ascended the steps with Francis on Wednesday and sat in front of him on the ground as he delivered his weekly catechism lesson [6]. They carried banners of the Catholic charity in Florence, Italy, that is caring for them and Vatican flags. 
"In his remarks, Francis said the refugees had suffered in their home countries. 
"He said: 'Please they are our brothers. A Christian excludes no one. I ask all of you: Let everyone come.'
"Francis brought a dozen Syrian refugees home with him when he visited Greece in April. Recently, the Vatican brought a second group to Rome." [7]

Why bring refugees from Greece to the Vatican when there are plenty in Italy?  Why not welcome to the Vatican those who have been caught crossing into Switzerland illegally and sent back to Italy?  After all, living with the pope in the Vatican is as close to living in Switzerland as one can get with Swiss Guards everywhere. [8]  Some of the differences could very well be that those living with the pope would have free meals and daily housekeeping, which most Swiss citizens do not, in addition to sharing the pope's Joy of the Gospel ("Evangelii Gaudium") [9] and his Joy of Love ("Amoris Lætitia") [10].

[6]  The pope used the story of the leper who entered the city illegally whom Jesus healed as a lesson to teach the countries with illegal refugees and migrants entering them to show mercy as Jesus had shown mercy.  The point he made was not quite on point.  He glossed over the fact that people of the countries who accept refugees and migrants are not miracle workers.  Even for a miracle worker like Jesus, He had not performed a miracle that healed all the lepers (even though He could), including those who may not have absolute faith in Jesus, unlike the one who was healed.  How many of the illegal refugees and migrants have faith in Christ only God knows.  If they do, would God not save their souls, wherever they may be?  See the story of Joseph and his "ISIS-like" brothers at

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

No Joy And No Love At The Vatican

Amoris Lætitia ("The Joy of Love") [1], the 261-page compendium began with these words: "The Joy of Love experienced by families is also the joy of the Church" [2] except there is no joy within the Catholic Church, and certainly no love.

On July 18, 2016, the Catholic Herald posted this article:
"Forty-five theologians and clergymen have written to cardinals asking them to request a clarification from Pope Francis that Amoris Lætitia doesn’t contradict Church teaching.
"The letter is intended as an appeal to the cardinals rather than a public campaign. Possibly for this reason, the signatories have not yet disclosed their names, though they may do at a future date. The only signatory to have come forward publicly is Dr Joseph Shaw, who teaches philosophy at the University of Oxford and is chairman of the Latin Mass Society. 
"Dr Shaw, who is acting as spokesman for the group, said last week: 'All we are asking is that Pope Francis make clear that putative heretical implications of the document are just that: heretical.'" [3]
So the pope is not only a hypocrite, as this blogger has maintained from the moment he named himself Francesco after San Francesco d'Assisi, but also a heretic?

Not so fast.  On July, 20, 2016, the Associated Press reported that "[t]he Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano on Wednesday carried a lengthy essay by an Italian Catholic historian insisting that Francis' 'The Joy of Love' was absolutely in line with his predecessors and church doctrine on the thorny issue of whether divorced and civilly remarried Catholics can receive Communion." [4]

"Earlier this month, the Vatican-approved magazine La Civilta Cattolica ran an interview with Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn in which the Vienna archbishop pointedly rejected conservative claims that Francis' work didn't count as an authoritative teaching document.
"[But] American Cardinal Raymond Burke, a figurehead for archconservatives who was removed by Francis as the head of the Vatican's supreme court, insisted that the document wasn't part of the church's teaching magisterium but rather was a personal reflection on meetings of bishops about family matters.
"[Similarly,] Italian Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, another leading conservative, has criticized the document as vague and confusing, and denied that it opened the door to Communion, since doing so would contradict previous church teaching on the indissolubility of marriage. 
"Francis' own doctrine czar, German Cardinal Gerhard Mueller, concurred with Caffarra, saying the pope would have been more clear if he had intended such an opening. Mueller argued in a May 4 speech in Spain that decisions about whether someone can receive the sacraments cannot be arrived at purely in the realm of individual, private discernment. 
"'A privatization of the sacramental economy would certainly not be Catholic,' he said." [5]

The Vatican is not just cracking from within: it is having its own private earthquake of unprecedented magnitude.

What is startling is the pope's redefinition of sin:

"We should no longer talk about people 'living in sin.' In a sentence that reflects a new approach, the pope says clearly, 'It can no longer simply be said that all those living in any "irregular situation" are living in a state of mortal sin' (301). Other people in 'irregular situations,' or non-traditional families, like single mothers, need to be offered “understanding, comfort and acceptance' (49). When it comes to these people, indeed everyone, the church need to stop applying moral laws, as if they were, in the pope’s vivid phrase, 'stones to throw at a person’s life' (305)." [6]

The above, however, only applies to heterosexuals.  On April 8, 2016, concluded that

"if you’re gay, the Vatican has bad news. 'Amoris Laetitia,' an 'apostolic exhortation' published on Friday, says no same-sex union can be a marriage. That’s because, as the document explains, 'No union that is temporary or closed to the transmission of life can ensure the future of society.' But if you’re straight and infertile, the rule about transmitting life doesn’t apply. Your marriage is just as valid as anyone else’s, according to the document, since 'procreation and adoption are not the only ways of experiencing the fruitfulness of love.'" [7]

The inclusion of the preceding paragraph in this entry is not an approval or a rejection of same-sex unions or marriages by this blog; it merely points out, yet again, the hypocrisy of this pope.

While many may not like the Catholic church's traditional and conservative doctrine on sexual intercourse, it is applied to everyone equally regardless of sexual inclination:

"[I]t is a serious error to think that a whole married life of otherwise normal relations can justify sexual intercourse which is deliberately contraceptive and so intrinsically wrong." [8]

In other words, only procreational sex is permitted, even within a heterosexual marriage.  Non-procreational sex, or as this blogger terms it, "recreational sex," is wrong.  Does this wrong rise to a level of a sin?  This blogger does not know.

Established Catholic doctrine on "sins gravely contrary to chastity [such as] masturbation, fornication, pornography, and homosexual practices," can be found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church. [9]

Whether this pope will further heighten the "joy" of families, leading to a corresponding increase in the amount "joy" the Catholic church receives currently, by endorsing man's love for masturbation, pornography as well as recreational sex of every kind imaginable, in order that build-ups of sexual tension and frustration can be satisfactorily alleviated, remains to be seen.

[2] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Turkish Assassin

Mehmet Alì Ağca, 58, the Turkish gunman who was unsuccessful in his assassination of John Paul II, "is now saying he’s ready to become a Catholic priest if Pope Francis will welcome him in the Vatican." [1]  Will the pope who once asked: "Who am I to judge?" [2] judge Mehmet Alì Ağca and find him unfit to become a priest because of a prior criminal record?

"'Here in Turkey, I live as a pensioner wasting my time,'  Alì Ağca told the Italian television network Canale 5, in an interview set for broadcast July 12. 
"'That’s why I want to make an appeal to Pope Francis: Welcome me in the Vatican, and I will become a priest,' he said. 
"'After John Paul II visited me in prison, I thought about it, and I studied the Gospel at length,' Alì Ağca said. 'I know the sacred books better than many others. If the pope welcomes me, I’ll be a priest and I will celebrate Mass, if he wants me!'" [3], [4]

Why would the pope not want him?  After all, one of the two thieves who was crucified along with Jesus was promised entry into Heaven because he came to know Christ as the Son of God. [5]  Mehmet Alì Ağca has come to know Christ by studying the Gospels.

If Mehmet Alì Ağca is not allowed to become a priest, could the statement he made in 2010 saying that "I am not God, I am not son of God, I am Christ eternal" [6] be the reason?   Did his claim to be "Christ eternal" make Ağca delusional and unfit to be a priest?  Going out on a limb, this blogger says no, and goes even farther out and says that Ağca could be a holy priest.

Mehmet Alì Ağca was right to say: "I am not God."  He was also correct to say: "I am not son of God."  Then he made a seemingly contradictory statement by saying: "I am Christ eternal" after admitting that he was not the Son of God.  To make sense of this, one must accept that Ağca's first two statements were factual and the third was metaphorical.

When Ağca stated that he was Christ eternal, he did not contradict himself earlier by saying that he was not the Son of God.  He said he was Christ eternal because he had so internalized the teachings of Christ that whatever he thought, said and did (since studying the Gospels) became, as a whole, an extension of Jesus Himself, and as such, he could spiritually, though not literally, have been Christ eternal.

Moreover, when Jesus was here on earth in the flesh, did He not wish everyone to repent and be like Him, to think, to act and to love in sinless ways?  In other words, did Jesus not want everyone to be just like Him, Who is Christ Eternal, so that each person can be unique individually, and all peoples the same as Christ Eternal collectively?

[4] If John Paul II needs a real miracle to attain sainthood legitimately, the conversion of an assassin into a holy Catholic priest ought to work.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Black David

Michelangelo Buonarroti's original David, carved out of a "17-foot piece of marble," [1] stands inside the Galleria dell’Accademia in Florence, Italy. [2]  "A life-size copy of Michelangelo's David in Carrara marble painted in black and lying down was unveiled Friday [(July 15, 2016)] in Florence's central Piazza della Repubblica to symbolize the suffering caused by terror and violence worldwide. ...[T]he statue, called Noi ('Us' in Italian)...will remain on display until July 21, to coincide with Michelangelo Week concerts and exhibitions dedicated to the artist." [3]

Noi's photograph, with all rights reserved to ANSA, and part of Google's bank of images, is reproduced here:

To see Michelangelo's David, even though it is a copy, placed in a supine position, suggesting the death of God's rare and exceptional creation's creation that has for generations reminded the whole of humanity the beauty of man (inside and out) God had intended Adam and Eve to have, is sad and emotionally evocative, notwithstanding the exceptional artistic talents in Florence who worked on it.

Art such as this, antipodal to comic strips that mock religion, is heavenly.  It elevates the deterioration of the good of humanity to a tragic level that anyone with a heart and a conscience can understand.  It becomes a prayer that inspires people to return to the good, as opposed to a curse that fuels prejudice and hatred.

Where Noi will be displayed after July 21, if it is going to be displayed at all, is not known.  Perhaps it can be protected by a transparent bullet-proof enclosure and placed in the middle of Rome's Colosseum.


Saturday, July 16, 2016

Pope's Telegram To The Bishop Of Nice, France

It is now official that the attack in Nice, France, on Bastille Day, July 14, 2016, was an act of terrorism. [1] " In a telegram sent on his behalf by the Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Pope Francis has condemned the terror attack in Nice and expressed his profound sadness and his spiritual closeness to the French people." [2]

This entry analyzes the content of the telegram.  First, the pope condemned the terror attack and commiserated with the French people, as would any head of state, and the pope as head State of Vatican City, was correct to make this secular condemnation.  Then, as the head of the Catholic church, he expressed a sense of "spiritual closeness."  Is that spiritual closeness not always present but only arises when there is a tragedy, if it did indeed arise?  Only he and God knows the truth.  What good does the pope's spiritual closeness do for the victims of the attack (not much, if any) and how effective (not effective at all) is it at stopping, or at least reduce the frequency of, such acts of terror?

So what should this pope have done instead?  A lot, in this blogger's opinion.  For example, he could banish his secular thoughts and fill them with holy ones, replace his power-obsessed egomania with humility and believe in the Blessed Virgin Mary Who in many apparitions urged people to pray and do penance for the conversion of sinners [3] rather than in himself.

He had not asked, or it had not crossed his mind to ask, the world to pray the rosary daily and do penance for the conversion of sinners.  Instead, he chose to express his worthless "profound sadness" and his meaningless "spiritual closeness" at a time when spiritual leadership and guidance would have been beneficial.

"The telegram continued by saying that [he] 'entrusts to the Mercy of God those who have lost their lives...'"  Catholics ought to pray for God's mercy, including the innocent victims of this terror attack in the French Riviera, for no victim is completely sin-free, but the pope did not ask his flock to pray for mercy as instructed by the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima.  "'Do you want to learn a prayer?' the [Fatima] vision asked, 'Yes we do!' the children responded. 'When you recite the Rosary, say at the end of each decade: Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Your Mercy.' [4]  Accordingly, it ought to be the person who took the lives of so many, as well as those who were behind his heinous action, that the pope should also "entrust to the Mercy of God" because they would be "most in need of [Jesus'] Mercy."

The telegram then concluded "by imploring from God the gift of 'peace and harmony...'"  When did God or the Son of God speak of or grant the gift of "harmony?"  This blogger does not know, but thinks that "harmony" is a concept that is central to the Chinese "Dao."  "The dominant interpretation in traditional China is that Dao represents the source of the original, undifferentiated, essential qi-energy, the 'One,' which in turn produces the yin and yang cosmic forces. While the 'lighter,' more rarefied yang energy-stuff rises to form heaven, the “heavier” yin solidifies to become earth. A further 'blending' of the two generates a 'harmonious' qi-energy that informs human beings. [5]

Maybe this pope wants to infuse the bad (sins that are being committed on this earth) with the good (Heaven) so that man can live in harmony with all his iniquities while being happily at peace with God (if only God sees it that way -- God does not, not after putting Jesus, God's only Son, up for torture, torment and crucifixion for the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of souls).  If that is the pope's objective, he surely is the self-righteous sinners' pope, or as some have labeled him, the people's pope.

[4], under the "Third apparition of Our Lady."
[5], at section 6 "Dao and Virtue."

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Pope's Secular Appointments

A pope who does not speak the language of Catholic conservative doctrine, on July 11, 2016, appointed a secular Spanish woman, Paloma García Ovejero, who "speaks Spanish, English, Italian and Chinese," as the Vatican's new deputy spokeswoman [1] and named a secular American, Greg Burke, a celibate member of Opus Dei per John L Allen Jr. and "a former Fox and Time correspondent from St. Louis as his personal spokesman and director of the Vatican press office." [2]

"Speaking of their meeting with the Pope, García Ovejero said that Francis was 'tender,' but also 'serious and firm. He said clearly that fidelity, loyalty, and transparency are the most important things in communications.'"

It is difficult to imagine how a Vatican spokesperson, whether a member of the clergy or of the secular world, who is loyal to this pope, as opposed to God, can be transparent in his or her communications in any language with the Vatican's sex and financial scandals still being shrouded under layers upon layers of secrecy.

Just two days before the appointments, on July 9, 2016, the pope "reversed a 2014 law that had transferred the main operational section of the patrimony office [Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See ("APSA")] to Pell's Secretariat for the Economy.  ...[Cardinal George] Pell, a longtime critic of the Vatican's financial inefficiencies, had assumed control in a bid to assert authority over different areas of the Vatican's finances." [4]

With his reversal, the pope had in effect "restore[d] several important functions to [the allegedly mismanaged and possibly corrupt] APSA [under Cardinal Domenico Calcagno] that had been given to Pell’s department in 2014," [5] in order to have a clear separation of duties between operations and supervision, as if those who supervise (Pell's people) are able to examine, verify and approve in real time every time an action taken by those (Calcagno's people) who actually hold the cash.  If this were a true separation of powers with checks and balances, the "[o]ne local news agency [would not have] bottom-lined the result this way in its headline: 'The Italians win!'" [6]

The Italians might very well have won, but did God win?  Did God really choose this politically crafty and rather secular pope to be the successor of Peter?  If God had given Saint Malachy his vision, then God probably did choose him so that the saint's prophesy could be fulfilled. [7]  Only time will tell if he is truly "Peter the Roman" and the last pope.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Abstinence For Remarried Catholics And No Gay Apology

A few of the 115 Cardinals who voted to elevate Bergolio to the papacy on March 13, 2013, [1] probably have voter's remorse.  In December 2014, the pope "used the opportunity of his end-of-year Christmas greeting to excoriate cardinals, bishops and priests for committing the 'terrorism of gossip,' upholding the 'pathology of power' and acting like 'lords of the manor' -- superior to everyone and everything.'" [2] This is one of those rare instances this blogger stands with the pope whom he does not trust or like very much.

The degree of dislike this blogger has for the the pope pales in comparison to some of those who are going against his edicts.  For example, "[t]he head of the Roman Catholic Church in Philadelphia is closing the door opened by Pope Francis to letting civilly remarried Catholics receive Communion, saying the faithful in his archdiocese can only do so if they abstain from sex and live as 'brother and sister.'" [3]  How many divorced Catholic couples who enter into a second marriage plan to have a platonic relationship with one another as siblings in the privacy of their home? What if they engaged in sex, would it be considered as incest?  These are not questions that need to be discussed since "Archbishop Charles Chaput, who is known for strongly emphasizing strict adherence to Catholic doctrine, [had already] issued a new set of pastoral guidelines for clergy and other leaders in the archdiocese that went into effect July 1, [2016]." [4]

Chaput is not the only one going against the pope's wishes. Parish priests are also not keen on doing everything the pope wants either.  How many of them had chosen a Sunday to stand in front of their congregants Mass after Mass to apologize to gays on behalf of the Catholic church? [5]  And what exactly should they be apologizing for?  In order for a blanket apology to be appropriate, the pope must believe that all gays think and behave alike, all desiring gay marriage, gay adoption and gay surrogacy and that all gays are being mistreated in the same way by the Catholic church. That is just not the case.

This blogger does not think that the Catholic church is persecuting gays.   On the contrary, gays are embraced by the Catholic church and some have become part of the clergy.  Therefore, there is no need for the Catholic church to issue a blanket apology to gays.  However, if the pope wants to change the Catholic position on homosexual sex, then that is a different matter.  An apology would not help.  It would be far simpler for the pope to say the obvious, that a sin is a sin, that no sin is gender-specific or sexual orientation-specific, and that a sexual sin committed by heterosexuals is no different than the same sin committed by homosexuals.  He has yet to make such a statement.

Some of the ideas advanced by this Argentinian pope were not so well thought out and laid out and hence they are not being carried out by his subordinates.  His latest appointment of Archbishop Blase Cupich of Chicago "to the influential Congregation for Bishops" effective today, July 7, 2016, [6] would probably not help heal the deep divisions within the Catholic church.

So where is God in the midst of a church that is splitting apart?  In the center, as always, looking for purity of heart and purity of love in those who serve God and neighbor with humility.

[4] Ibid.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Politics, Poll And The Pope

"[A] recent local poll revealed that Francis -- the former Jorge Mario Bergolio, archbishop of Buenos Aires -- has tumbled from the first to the ninth most 'trustworthy Argentine' in just two years." [1]   It is hard to imagine that this pope's trustworthiness would fall in his own country of Argentina being the hypocrite that he is, that he could be deemed trustworthy in the first place.  This blogger has never liked this pope, from the moment he ascended to the throne of Peter and chose to name himself Francis after Saint Francis of Assisi, his first act of hypocrisy as pope. [2]

Not only is this pope losing trust in Argentina, he is also losing his base.  An article written in January, 2016, reported that "[i]n 2015, more than 3.2 million pilgrims visited and attended papal events, liturgies or prayer services at the Holy See, the Vatican said at the end of December.  That was a sharp drop from the 5.9 million visitors received by Pope Francis in 2014.  And it was less than half of the 6.6 million pilgrims who visited the Vatican during the first nine-and-a-half months of his pontificate in 2013." [3]  There could be different reasons for the 50% drop but could one of them be the pope's brand of politics and hypocrisy?  Unless a miracle takes place at the Vatican, this blogger would not be surprised to see the numbers of pilgrims continue to decline slowly over the years.

[2] There is no proof whatsoever but in the mind's eye of this blogger, it had envisioned that this pope had a sordid past, details of which he will keep to himself because his mind's eye does not really see, it just senses, more often than not inaccurately.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Young, Rich And Educated Bangladeshi Terrorists

Below is a photograph from an article written on the young, rich and educated Pakistani men who were jihadists [1]:

"The men, in their early- and mid-twenties, had attended some of Bangladesh's top schools and universities, according to classmates who identified them on social media." [2]  As to how such men who could otherwise be potentially promising citizens of society could become radicalized to such an extreme, Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan said: "'It has become a fashion.'" [3]

If killing is a fashion, then the contemporary fashion designer could very well have been a bellicose former president.  "Just after explosions began to rock Baghdad, Iraq's capital, [he] announced in a televised address, 'At this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early states of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger.'  [He] and his advisors built much of their case for war on the idea that Iraq, under dictator Saddam Hussein, possessed or was in the process of building weapons of mass destruction." [4]

Is the world no longer in grave danger as promised after the killing of Saddam Hussein, or has it become even more unpredictable and dangerous?  Perhaps the decider of the 2003 Iraq war who like the Bangladeshi killers also came from wealth and was educated at one of the top schools in his country, has the best insight in answering this question, more than anyone else on the planet, after having time to examine his conscience which hopefully has not been permanently shrouded by pride, Satan's favorite sin [5], and perhaps layers of anger and greed as well.

Man's conscience rests in the truth.  Those who deny the truth denies God.  It does not matter which side or what religion, those who kill, who give orders to kill and who build and supply the weapons of destruction, whether it is for mass destruction or localized destruction, reject God.

One might ask if Osama bin Laden ought to have been killed. Many would say yes.  In the end, did his death make a difference?  In the end, did the many subsequent bombings and the death of this new jihadist leader and that new jihadist leader make a difference?  This blogger thinks not [6].

Only the deaths of Original Sin and its progeny can make a difference in the advancement of civilization, but man is so attached to his sins that eliminating them would be unthinkable.  Those who believe that this candidate and that candidate, if given the political power to rule, would make the world a better place than it is now suffers under a delusion.  Overall, man is happy to be living in an illusion in denial of God and in denial of God's eternal Truths.  Life is a lot easier that way.

And it is easy for other young and impressionable men of Bangladesh to live unthinking lives, or live their lives thinking that they can be just as irresponsible as those who have the power to kill without having to answer for the consequences of their actions in this life, even though it would be a different story at the Gates of Hell.

[6] Unlike major wars of the past when armed men belonged to a certain nation, and were fairly easily identified by their uniform, their weapons and the language they spoke, this current conflict is different.  Up-risers can be virtually any nationality, live in every neighborhood around the world and own generic weapons.  In contrast to the non-profit group Médecins Sans Frontières ("MSF") that saves lives, the modern jihadists can be said to have a non-profit group that kills, an unincorporated alliance of random actors that could very well be called Terrorists Without Borders because they are free to travel and Terrorists Within Borders just as aptly because their targets are local.

Sunday, July 3, 2016

A Report On Wine Consumption At The Vatican

According to a report, this pope said that "'[w]ater is necessary to live, but wine expresses the abundance of the feast and the joy of the celebration.  And a wedding party which lacks wine--the newlyweds feel ashamed of this. Imagine finishing a wedding party drinking tea--it would be shameful!  There is no celebration without wine!"' [1]

Surrounded by the wealth and comfort of his abode, the Vatican, the pope had forgotten to add to his drivel these words: "There is no wine without money!"

What he had allegedly said implies that those poor, shameful newlyweds who cannot afford a wedding ceremony, let alone a wedding party with wine for the guests, can have no celebration and no joy.  What an elitist pope!

The report continued to state that the "Vatican City, with a population of just 842 people, has the highest per capita wine consumption in the world, according to the California Wine Institute, an American organization that tracks such trends.  They found that each Vatican City resident consumes an average of 74 liters of wine annually, which is twice the per capita consumption in the rest of Italy and seven times the per capita consumption in the United States." [2]

To be fair, the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the United States is not limited to wine and there is no indication that in addition to wine, kegs of beers and liters of hard liquor are also being consumed by the 842 Vatican residents annually.  Nonetheless, even if the 842 individuals at the Vatican consumes only wine and no other alcoholic beverage, 74 liters of wine drunk per person per year is still excessive.

Can the Vatican, a symbol of poverty and holy poverty for the entire world, be committing one of the seven deadly sins called gluttony? [3]  This blogger is not surprised if that is the case since many of those who served and are still serving as priests had, and may still very well be, committing another one of the seven deadly sins called lust by breaking their vows of chastity.  And of course there is pride, another one of the seven deadly sins that many priests and nuns commit. Then there are the rest, greed, anger, envy and sloth.  They are so common that it is difficult for a sinner to avoid them all.

Perhaps it is the inability of those in the Vatican to avoid all seven deadly sins at all times that they would need to commit the one that would allow them to be in denial of the rest by drinking wine (and eating) excessively, like a glutton.

[2] Ibid.

Friday, July 1, 2016

A Catholic Church In Tromsø, Norway

"A new study shows 39 percent of Norway's population identifies as atheist -- an increase of almost 20 percent from 1985, while 23 percent declare they 'don't know.'  That makes a stunning 62 percent of Norweigians who do not identify as Christian." [1]

"Norway embraced Catholicism in the 10th century and held on to the Faith until the Protestant Revolution in the 16th century, when Lutheranism took hold.  Afterwards, Catholicism was made illegal, and the number of Catholics steadily decreased to make up only a small minority of Norweigians." [2]

"Lutheranism was the state religion until 2012, when the government took away its status.  Catholicism was legalized in the mid-1800s, with the final restriction removed in 1956, allowing the Jesuit order back into the country.  The vast majority of Norway's 200,000 Catholics today are immigrants.  Those 200,000 Catholics represent a meager four percent of the total population of 5 million. [3]

Despite the history of Catholicism in Norway, the current trend toward secularism and the relatively small number of Catholics, Var Freue Kirche, a Catholic church in Tromsø still stands.  Photographs were taken by this blogger on June 18, 2016, of the church's exterior, which was under repair and the interior, where some touch-ups were seen needed.

This small, humble wooden church in Tromsø is simple.  It does not have the fame, the size and the opulence that the Vatican has but that does not matter for God, the Son of God and the Holy Spirit, as well as the Mother of God are present and are attentive to those who are faithful.

The day this blogger visited the church, the door was unlocked for anyone who wished to enter and there was no attendant.  In his opinion, a true Catholic church is always open, always welcoming and unafraid of vandalism.  It was a wonderful experience to be able to spend a few moments inside the church alone with God without anyone present.

Before leaving, he went to the back of the church and saw small stacks of the Order of the Mass [4] booklets.  He flipped through one of them and decided to take pictures of all the pages.  They are shown below, hopefully without violating copyright laws (click on the image to sharpen it).

Some of the photographs have a glare on the right side of the page where the language is Norsk.  To compensate for it, here is a link to the prayers in Norsk:

The following are close-ups:

[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.