Friday, January 29, 2016

The Blindness Of Power

Some people have the ambition to achieve world domination.  They apparently have the confidence in their ability to climb to the top of the human race and in their intellect to convince people to obey their set of principles. That, in this blogger's past opinion, would have been a grandiose dream for anyone to have.  His opinion has changed recently because of his new-found awareness of how big the universe is relative to the size of the Milky Way, the galaxy of which the earth's solar system is a part and which itself is merely a speck of dust in the entire universe. [1], [2]  The dream of ruling over a microscopic planet, earth, in whole universe makes both dreamer and the dream to dominate the world so very small.

The universe is enormous and is beyond man's ability to measure. [3]  For the human mind to comprehend fully the size of the universe is nearly impossible.  And that is just one universe.  Can there be another universe?  That is entirely possible.

Does this universe and any other that may exist have a Creator or is a universe a haphazard occurrence?  As far as this blogger knows, galaxies conform to a certain set of laws that prevent them from colliding with one another at random like gas molecules [4], and planets within each of them also exist in some preordained order so that they also do not crash into each other like bumper cars driven by blind or blind-folded people in an amusement park.  Accordingly, the only reasonable conclusion is that an ordered universe has a Creator.

Within that ordered universe, the Creator created man and placed man in the Milky Way galaxy, on the planet earth which was once the Garden of Eden.  While man is important because man was created in the image of the Creator, God, the universe that man exists in is equally important because of its precise configurations allowing man to continue with his existence.

Being able to create laws that define the universe in which earth can exist, and a solar system that is well-ordered for earth to maintain a certain equilibrium in which man can exist, and man with a self-contained system of flesh and bones that can survive in harmony with what the earth provides, that is power.

Therefore, for those to want to rule the world ought to realize how insignificant they really are, how immaterial are their concerns relative to their existence on this planet, in this solar system, in this galaxy and in this universe and how blind their ambition for power truly is. [5]

[5] A small shift in something as basic as the magnitude, direction or consistency of gravitational pull affecting earth can bring about the demise of the entire human race.  The possibility of instant mass extinction of man by any random movement of the other planets in the solar system knocking earth off its normal course, even without a fiery collision, makes the nuclear and hydrogen bombs and the rest of the less dramatic conflagrative build-ups that man uses to show power small and silly.  From this perspective, man is truly nothing, nothing without God allowing for his existence, yet some think that they, when armed with conflagrations far more minuscule than the light that emits from the abdomen of fireflies in the not-so-large scheme of things (like the Milky Way galaxy within its yet-to-be-defined universe), have immense power.  How ignorant can they be?

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