Friday, January 22, 2016

Free Will & Divine Intervention

God gave man Free Will.  Interfering with it ruins it but when divine intervention occurs after Free Will has been fully realized, it is unaffected.

Divine intervention occurs more often than one realizes. When things are going well, nobody questions why.  People are usually not conscious of and grateful for what God has given them, but when bad things happen, people start to question God and doubt God's existence because people do not expect to have bad experiences with regularity even though many often make the wrong choices by their own Free Will.  The fact that so many live to see the next day with a degree of inner peace, to carry on as if nothing can go wrong, is very much a result of divine intervention. [1]

Some who do not believe in God think that divine intervention is nonsense, that daily life is daily, and that every day life will be similar to life the day before.  That theory works until God stops intervening, and nothing is the same anymore.  Life turns hellish, then God suddenly becomes relevant but only as an entity to be blamed. [2]

To be sure, life of a sinner is replete with misfortunes, some of them subtle, some not.  To lessen the frequency and intensity of negative consequences of one's own misguided Free Will, and the evil Free Will of others [3], one ought to become aware of each divine intervention that takes place and say a prayer of gratitude.

[1] It seems like people who had killed and who had commanded a military to kill are able to continue to live out their days as if nothing is wrong.  This blogger does not personally know these people but can imagine that they cannot be living the same lives they had before the killings. This blogger surmises that they are constantly haunted by their actions.  Unable to obtain any inner peace at all, they may start painting and doing other things, but nothing they do that they believe to be therapeutic provide permanent relief.  They could lose sleep and become obsessive.   Divine intervention is probably missing from their lives entirely and their individual hell has already started.
[2] Many blame God for natural disasters like earthquakes, droughts, tsunamis and floods that claim people's lives. Those who do need to realize that natural disasters are natural to this planet earth and these natural occurrences only become disasters when humans lives and properties are lost.  Humans by their Free Will have chosen to build tall buildings in earthquake zones, live in deserts and on drought-prone lands, near beaches and rivers, build communities in low-lying and below sea-level terrains and populate the earth and exploit its natural resources at a rate faster than the time it takes for the earth to regenerate, destabilizing the planet's delicate balances, is that God's fault?
[3] Among the evil-doers are the war mongers of the world, the regime changers, the killers (regime changers are also killers -- ISIL, for instance, is a regime changer), the market and money manipulators, the unconscionable polluters, and in each category their allies.

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