Saturday, January 9, 2016

Man's Ego

Man's ego feeds on pride and pride is Satan's favorite sin [1]. Thus, the bigger the ego, the more pride one has and the more likely would one's soul have a reserved space in the express lane to Hell.

Individuals have egos, as do groups of people, institutions and nations.  When the collective ego of a group of people within an institution or a nation is not aligned with that of other groups in the same institution or nation or other institutions or nations, there will be entrenched and lasting conflict.

The ego thinks it is always right, believes what it does is always just, desires everything that benefits and pleasures itself but lacks humility because humility diminishes the ego while perfect humility extinguishes it.  Jesus had perfect humility and therefore He had no ego.

It is no coincidence that Christ is the Prince of Peace for he who has no ego is always at peace.  Whoever is able to exist within the peace of Christ has no ego and no pride, but few exist in that realm who serve all with a pure heart.

On the contrary, many people, institutions and nations exist to serve their egos with arrogance at best, and with deceit, hypocrisy, ruthlessness and depravity at worst.  This world is filled with egoistical pride, from mildly to severely sinful in degree, which turns it into a Hell hole in which man himself must suffer.  Those who had created, are creating and are planning to create new or bigger Hell holes on this planet ought not to be concerned with their transitory earthly existence but to fear instead for their souls' eternal torment in Hell.


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